How to spectate

Does anyone know?


I love the graphics in the game and sometimes when too inebriated to play, I just want to admire them. So I want to spectate on battles. When in a battle there is a spectate button, but it’s always ghosted out.


I’ve searched on here and in the help but there is no mention of how to do this. Is it just not implemented yet?

Unless you are dead and is not respawning, you can’t spectate

The game doesn’t have an official spectating feature.

Like Its already not ucomfortable enough when you’re among the last few people alive and you know the rest of the team is watching you… judging your every move

If I could, I’d repeatedly pose like a model to look cool :smiley:

I remember when I was the last man standing and i screamed into chat “HELP ME DAMMIT!” 


and the only reply was “cant you die already so we can lose?” thats when I literally got angry, turned around and killed my 2 pursuers. Winning the match. GGs all around 

I remember when I was the last man standing and i screamed into chat “HELP ME DAMMIT!” 


and the only reply was “cant you die already so we can lose?” thats when I literally got angry, turned around and killed my 2 pursuers. Winning the match. GGs all around 


I did the same, against 3. Beat that Sweet Roll man!

You reckon they could add a spectate feature? For the first few games I was like wow, gfx! But never got a chance to “see” them… I spend so much time in the hangar just rotating my view around my ships.

You reckon they could add a spectate feature? […]

Suggested something similar a (LONG) while ago: [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20072-match-replays/)

It would go hand in hand with the spectating option. I’d be for bumping that thread up and add your suggestion to it tbh.