how to solve the battleship issue and set up a different price model

When reading through one of the interviews i read that there was debate on how to implement the massive ships into the games , stuff like battlecruisers or battleships.

Well one way you can implement this system is by letting the player choose what ship he starts the game with. This can be interceptors , fighters , frigates , battleships/battlecruisers.

Now you can only pick 1 of these type of ship for the beginning of your career. so there should be a short tutorial period where you can try each of them out before deciding.

After that you choose your ship type and you are locked into that ship genre until you…

  1. Pay a small fee ( $1 dollar ) to add a new ship license that allows you to unlock another ship genre ( for example it lets you unlock fighters or battleships)


2.Accumulate a signifigant amount of credits in game to buy the license for free .

this allows players to focus on learning 1 type of ship and getting really good at using it , instead of just giving the players the option to unlock everything all at once

I think the curent system is nice. You start with an Interceptor and until you unlock the fighter you have some time to train. The only problem I have noticed is that if you are new and dont have good flight skills you will get killed very fast and since you only have one ship you need to wait a long time until the next battle. I would recommend to add something like a Ace protection. For example you can return into battle after 2min and when you get your 2nd ship this protection should be disabled.

I think the curent system is nice. You start with an Interceptor and until you unlock the fighter you have some time to train. The only problem I have noticed is that if you are new and dont have good flight skills you will get killed very fast and since you only have one ship you need to wait a long time until the next battle. I would recommend to add something like a Ace protection. For example you can return into battle after 2min and when you get your 2nd ship this protection should be disabled.

you’re right error. Aces have no chance, a protection would be nice for Aces, and when this had more of a ship, such protection automatically deactivated

I agree with Error :smiley:

i like the guiltyspark sistem

I no like be locked with 2 ships i no use.

i swear when my inty goes pop in space. not because i died, but because i have to move over to the slowness or fighters and even worse the frigate. +1 for guiltyspark

how about… uhhh… some kind of handicap… you got depend how many your ship left… like if all 4 intact… (or all 3…?) you doing 100% damage and 100% defense… and when your ship xploded and you return to battle with other ship… you doing better in term damage and defense (maybe increase 20 % ? )

so nub who have only 1 ship (that starter ship) still can try compete with other ppl who have 3 ship already

maybe also can be applied if higher tier ship shooting lower tier…?