How to make money/Credits?

How can I make credits quickly so that I can afford new ships and upgrade the parts of the ships I like? It seems like everyone else in the game is flying ships that are fully upgraded and on a higher tier than me and on a higher synergy level. It feels very pay to win and the biggest problem is I seem to gain credits at an extremely slow rate!


I got 12 kills last match with 0 deaths and I only make like 30k. My average game pulls in like 12k but after expenses I barly even break even. This is driving me crazy since i’ll never get my ships upgraded at this rate.

Try doing PvE. You get a higher credit rate but synergy rate is lower than PvP.

I used to get around 110k per successful mission.

Well, sooner or later you’ll realize the next: PvP equals more synergy but less credits, while PvE means less synergy but more credits.

Good performances in PvP will give you more money, but it won’t be enough to afford everything that you want, so you’ll need to do PvE missions, even if they’re boring and awful, try to do one every then and so, it’s also a great way to synergize the ships/roles that you dislike to fly in PvP.

And pvp teaches you how to fly competitively. You MUST at least do some pvp or you will not be prepared for top tier fighting.

The Money You receive in PvE depends on the Tier you fly.

Each tier gives you more credits, approx. 100k per tier.

The weakest ship in your selection or squad counts.

Get a corp or a squad and you can farm 500k in 5 min

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21849-blackwood-shipyard-record/)

You might want to disable the auto repair function for your ships. Repairing them only when they’re completely unflyable can save you some credits, and AFAIK there’s no penalty for flying ‘damaged’ ships (so to speak).

You might want to disable the auto repair function for your ships. Repairing them only when they’re completely unflyable can save you some credits, and AFAIK there’s no penalty for flying ‘damaged’ ships (so to speak).

There is no penalty. Just make sure to save some creds to repair when prompted because of maximum damage on some ships which you’ll not be allowed to fly.

How can I make credits quickly so that I can afford new ships and upgrade the parts of the ships I like? It seems like everyone else in the game is flying ships that are fully upgraded and on a higher tier than me and on a higher synergy level. It feels very pay to win and the biggest problem is I seem to gain credits at an extremely slow rate!


I got 12 kills last match with 0 deaths and I only make like 30k. My average game pulls in like 12k but after expenses I barly even break even. This is driving me crazy since i’ll never get my ships upgraded at this rate.


You must be new to this game, as stated, doing pve earns more creds, but it is boring as hell, but since you appear to be new, maybe it will not be all that boring until you’ve done it like 100 times. I think in pve T1, you may get little more than 50k maybe.


Also, the higher your score both in pve and pvp and the lower the others are the more money you will get from that match. So, when PVEing, try to kill the most ppl, acomplish the most objectives so you maximize your earnings.

  1. Gather 3 mates.

  2. Get the highest ranked ships you have.

  3. Queue for PvE.

  4. ???

  5. Profit.

  6. Repeat from 3 until credit counter is broken.

Well in PVE  and you go SOLO   even If you have Tier III  lineup your still going get thrown in there with Tier IV and someone may have Tier 5 ship thrown in there for good measure.   :beee:


I get about the same amount 600-700K per victory and 300K per loss  so YEA  , farming can be DONE  :good:


It gets kind of annoying when you see ppl bringing 1 ship Interceptor\tackler\gunship  or lately the trend has been the new Mauler … and they are not proficient in that one particular ship.   :facepalm:

Well in PVE  and you go SOLO 

No. No. Just no. F*** that noise. No. You would not believe the amount of complete, clueless, witless nutcases I’ve actually found in PvE… It’s… I mean, seriously… PvE is meant to be easy… These people actually make it complicated and die in… unreasonable and unreal conditions… It’s worse than in PvP.

No. No. Just no. F*** that noise. No. You would not believe the amount of complete, clueless, witless nutcases I’ve actually found in PvE… It’s… I mean, seriously… PvE is meant to be easy… These people actually make it complicated and die in… unreasonable and unreal conditions… It’s worse than in PvP.


+1 !!


You can’t imagine the numbers of times that I had to say to engineers or commands ships to activate their auras (and I’m not talking about T1 or T2 ships) or see ships with only restoration active modules

So do the rewards you get from PvP and PvE scale based on what ships you bring? Like if I bring two tier 3 ships and a tier 1 ship am I getting level one rewards?


Also do you have to pay for every death in PvP and PvE or just one or the other? How do you know how much each death costs?


Which PvE mission should I farm and is there a recommended ship?

So do the rewards you get from PvP and PvE scale based on what ships you bring? Like if I bring two tier 3 ships and a tier 1 ship am I getting level one rewards?


Also do you have to pay for every death in PvP and PvE or just one or the other? How do you know how much each death costs?


Which PvE mission should I farm and is there a recommended ship?

Each RANK, not Tier gives a different amount of rewards. The higher the ship you have on the line (and use it), the more rewards you get, depending on how well you fare yourself in the match.


Farming in PvE: Blackwood.


Stage 1: 2-3 Guards, 0-1 Commands, 1 Engineer. Coil Mortars, Singularity Cannons, EM Torpedoes are the weapons of choice. Just kill everything as quickly as possible.

Stage 2: 0-2 Gunships, 0-3 Guards, 0-3 LRFs, 1-2 Engineers. Heavy Blasters on Frigates, Singularity Cannons. Em Torpedoes. Focus fire on the Stations for maximum efficiency.

Stage 3: 1-2 Guards, 0-2 LRF, 1 Engineer, 0-1 Tackler. Heavy Blasters + 1 Coil Mortar (CM on Engineer). Focus fire on the Boss. When he Pulsars, hide, Guards should keep firing if they have >30% shields. Section off 1 Guard to be the anti-reinforcement ship when they spawn. Just Torp + Pulsar is more than enough to faceroll the entire wave.



  1. IGNORE THE ELITE COMMANDERS. They are a waste of time to kill, just have the CM ship fire at them occasionally to get rid of the Drones.

  2. Make sure the Engineer has brains. You don’t want to be dead because your Engineer isn’t helping, has the heals off or is at the end of the world, not doing much.

  3. Survival/Restoration modules on Guards/LRFs. Damage reduction aura on one of the Guards. LRFs should have full Resto/Surv modules.

  4. Act as a unit. If one of you is at low hp, see what’s wrong, go help.


By the end of this, you should be clearing this thing every 5 minutes for 4-800k credits a pop.

confirmed with above.

situational awareness is a must.


i usually pull 400k per stage.


and i fly mostly engi.


but remember to get in on objective kills/take overs etc. you get more eff. points and that helps your payout. :bomber:

How can I make credits quickly so that I can afford new ships and upgrade the parts of the ships I like? It seems like everyone else in the game is flying ships that are fully upgraded and on a higher tier than me and on a higher synergy level. It feels very pay to win and the biggest problem is I seem to gain credits at an extremely slow rate!

I got 12 kills last match with 0 deaths and I only make like 30k. My average game pulls in like 12k but after expenses I barly even break even. This is driving me crazy since i’ll never get my ships upgraded at this rate.

thats not possible to only earm 12k. Play something higher than t1 of farm PvE

No. No. Just no. F*** that noise. No. You would not believe the amount of complete, clueless, witless nutcases I’ve actually found in PvE… It’s… I mean, seriously… PvE is meant to be easy… These people actually make it complicated and die in… unreasonable and unreal conditions… It’s worse than in PvP.

i agree my whole team died withn 10 seconds. T3 Ace using gator mk|| put up a warp gate and he and 2 other peeps died cuz they warped into one of our beacons

@OP - what ships are you using? I fly T3 premiums with a licence and earn good money in PvP.