How to get parts for Gargoyle/Dart? Besides the special gifts.

5 hours ago, HBZK100 said:

Add in supernova black holes…yeah.

I want my Drone-Cruiser, as big support ship with multi purpose 6 to 8 drones (attack,repair, reconnaisence, spy, etc) toggable from combined to separate action… ![:006:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006.png “:006:”)

Dart & Gargoyle are actualy premium ships. But there may be the way to obtain their components even after January 17 patch ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

If they are premiums, why arent they “golden” yet, with premium bonuses like no repair and other stuff?

2 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

If they are premiums, why arent they “golden” yet, with premium bonuses like no repair and other stuff?

atleast you have one free “respawn” in open space

Im just confused here a little lol good to know they are premiums ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Thar ga have the free respawn too.

But it’s not a premium is it ?

I know this is a little late, and veering slightly.

But I just finished building my dart recently, and though I’d planned to use the Dart frontal shield, I simply ‘spaced’ out and forgot because I was obsessing over component module choice.


My question is simply this, did I miss out on something great by not selecting that shield?  It just seemed sort of meh to me and not as great for emergency pop and runnnn as what I usually use such shields for.

So I’m all kinds of OCD for the misclick, nothing to worry about, or is all their awesomeness somehow contained in that frontal shield?

Hoping I didn’t mess up my Dart,
