How To Fix Latency

Hey guys! As many of you well know, I have experienced high ping and lots of packet loss in the past and i have found something that makes my packet loss go down to 0 and my RU ping go down from 310 to 210. Attached is the file. it is know as leatrix latency fix.


You can also get it from the link above. 


So far, this change is huge and I hope it stays that way.


No guarantees that this will fix your latency, but it did fix mine (so far)


ALSO, this is not my software and I am not responsible for you screwing up your computer if you do. 

[Leatrix Latency](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8523)

keep in mind that this fix most likely will reduce your maximum downloading speed (only noticeable with very fast speeds and high data volumes) 


P.S. there is v3.0 why link 2.0?

I haven’t noticed any difference in download speed,but mine isn’t very fast. :slight_smile: 50 mbps.


I linked 2.0 Cuz i couldn’t figure out how to download 3.0 lol.

A couple questions:

  • Is it a program?

  • Is there a way to toggle it so if I want faster downloads I can turn it off?

It is not an application, this is simply a script that will edit windows registry for you, it modifies the default way windows uses TCP.

So just save the script and delete it for faster downloads? Sorry I’m not a whiz at Server stuff. All I really know is how to port forward.

does conflict even use tcp? i mean yeah for mmos and rts, or for steam and lobby, this is nice, but…


it’s a shooter after all, most of them use udp protocols


still, quite a nice tool for a gaming pc!

So just save the script and delete it for faster downloads? Sorry I’m not a whiz at Server stuff. All I really know is how to port forward.

downloads ain’t get faster. you just have faster/more frequent response time over tcp.

i think the site explains it quite well anyway.


arctic you could update your post with the v3 link.

So just save the script and delete it for faster downloads? Sorry I’m not a whiz at Server stuff. All I really know is how to port forward.

script will permanently modify your registry, so deleting the scrip does not rollback your registry - i think that it comes with the another script that will rollback the change. Keep in mind that OS must be restarted after each change.

at least the v3 has a button to install the mod (only option), which turns into a button to remove the mod again, if its installed.

It is recommended to backup your registry before doing any changes. If you don’t know much about it, you can mess up some stuff.


All i know is previously, i had packet loss and high ping and since i got this, i’ve had less packet loss and lower ping.


Maybe it doesn’t work, try it and see. 

All i know is previously, i had packet loss and high ping and since i got this, i’ve had less packet loss and lower ping.


Maybe it doesn’t work, try it and see. 

no one is arguing if it works or not, it definitely works for some games, question was does it work for StarConflict since, since most likely, Star Conflict uses completely different thing from what this scrip actually affects. SO does it in fact changes the way you directly “feel” your ship handling or you just refer to Ping numbers? 


And another thing is that this script CAN NOT reduce packet loss, unless there is something terrible is happening on your side, i.e in your OS/Router/ w/e and this somehow touches those settings.

K well it could be a coincidence, but after i got leatrix, i haven’t had packet loss at all. 

K well it could be a coincidence, but after i got leatrix, i haven’t had packet loss at all. 

It could be since I have noticed a marked improvement in since 2 or 3 weeks.  Pings have stayed about the same with very rare occurrences of packet loss aside from a small blip

which I could easily attribute to my end.

Listen to Kostyan, carefull

It could be since I have noticed a marked improvement in since 2 or 3 weeks.  Pings have stayed about the same with very rare occurrences of packet loss aside from a small blip

which I could easily attribute to my end.

I think you might be right then cuz it’s back.


I wonder if the devs are hosting at home?

The best way to report the problem is following these steps, no report no problem: [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25324-info-connection-losses-high-ping-and-related-issues/)


The more people to report the problem the maximum chance to pin point it.

Yeah well that’s bull. Report after report after report and there’s still a problem. 

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25698-i-want-a-refund/)