How to build my Dragonfly?

Hello everyone I would like to know how to improve my Dragonfly to the max. 

What do you think would fit better on it? (modules/implants)


This is my actual Dragonfly:


I have high shields and hull with very decent resistances, but I don’t know if I have the correct build. I have hail plasma cannons, ppl say they are underpowered but I kinda like them, specially with that green speed modifier.

My build is more or less on supporting allies with Weapon Damage and Speed bonuses, and Shield armor bonuses, and I focus on more and more shield armor for myself, but I don’t know if it’s worthy once you pass 100 resistance to have another shield armor buff for yourself…




I’m still on getting lvl 9 with each faction so I can buy everything blue.

My implants are everyone Jerico unless the lvl 2 on Fed and the lvl 8 on Empire


Thank you very much and have a nice day.

I can’t say much on Implants, I’m always forgetting which are which but I will help with the fit. As a Command Fighter, your role is to provide buffs, survive for as long as possible and assist in killing enemy ships. Unfortunately, you can only do this in the front lines due to the lack of the Command module range bonus. It’s perfectly fine because Jericho Command ships are tough as nails.


  • Replace Gravi-Scanner with Flares. Seriously, it will let you live longer and the added bonus to speed is of no use if your friends are stuck at the hands of an enemy Guard.

  • Ship mods should focus on energy regen, save the shield mod which should be the Shield resist one (armor modifier could be the Lightweight Hull, as you have it, but my preference is inclining towards energy regen; yes, the Dragonfly is an excellent speedboat, but I don’t think any more speed will help you that much).

  • Passives are fine if you want to tank everything, like I do on my Prometheus 2, otherwise fit another Electronics guidance and fit Stab Rails.

  • Weapons are your personal preference, I’ve seen Dragonflies be fit with all sorts of weapons, I guess it depends on what you want to kill. If you’re aiming to kill Ceptors, a Collision Compensator on the Passives might be in order, as well.

  • Large Missile Slots: Premium Minefields. That is all.

  • Small/Medium Missile Slots: Proximity Mines or those missiles that shut down the enemy ship.


I think that’s all…

Ok Ory thanks for your feedback I will try what you said. But I guess I better don’t spend gold standarts on minefields xD I will wait till I have the blue ones.

Ok Ory thanks for your feedback I will try what you said. But I guess I better don’t spend gold standarts on minefields xD I will wait till I have the blue ones.

Trust me, they’re VERY worth the price. I use them on nearly every ship I fly. It gets extremely costly in T3, but if you only have 1-2 Large Slots, they’re worth their weight in gold.

Trust me, they’re VERY worth the price. I use them on nearly every ship I fly. It gets extremely costly in T3, but if you only have 1-2 Large Slots, they’re worth their weight in gold.


But wouldnt have more sense wait for the blue ones? they have the same stats as the premium i guess

But wouldnt have more sense wait for the blue ones? they have the same stats as the premium i guess

Except you can carry twice the payload with Premium missiles.

I’ve dumped quiet a few bucks on this game already, i have no problem with buying license/some ships/some modules due to not having much time to actually grind to higher ranks, call me old fashion but i refuse to pay per battle

I’ve dumped quiet a few bucks on this game already, i have no problem with buying license/some ships/some modules due to not having much time to actually grind to higher ranks, call me old fashion but i refuse to pay per battle

Well, last month alone, over the course of around 120-140 matches, I haven’t bought any Standards and I went down from 4k-ish to 1.6k from just Minefields and 30% purple loot. If I hadn’t spent them on the loot, I’d still have around 3k to wail for another 2 months.

Except you can carry twice the payload with Premium missiles.


so with premiun missiles i can have double the spaces? that would mean 2 minefields? or for exmaple 12 minefields on the strong?

so with premiun missiles i can have double the spaces? that would mean 2 minefields? or for exmaple 12 minefields on the strong?

Yes. Although I’d advise against doing that on the Strong, it… gets extremely costly… I did it with nukes, once… I spent 2k GS in one day.

Yes. Although I’d advise against doing that on the Strong, it… gets extremely costly… I did it with nukes, once… I spent 2k GS in one day.


wow, I see, I will not do it, ofc, but with dragonfly “poor” slots maybe it’s worthy, i will think about it since i have “only” 10 gs and i dont have in mind to buy more, but I maybe buy pirate ships if they are aviable via gs instead of just DLC’s like the Dragonfly…

Premium Missiles are always worth the expenditure if you have up to 3 slots on it.

When your reaching rank 9 Empire and Jericho, use Gigas II + SR MK 3 those implants are OVERPOWER.