How to acquire an Executor

Hi; apologies if this has been covered already. Can’t find any answers on searching.

How many parts of the Executor ship do you have to buy to end up with a usable ship? 

so far I have 22 out of 600. I’m hoping the answer is not 600, as that would mean it is simply a scam.

it’s 600, it’s not a scam, you just need to do the missions, you can get 30 parts every 12 hours

6 hours ago, evo888 said:

it’s 600, it’s not a scam, you just need to do the missions, you can get 30 parts every 12 hours


Missions accumulate with previous day, so log in the morning, accept then do them in the evening for 60 parts a day.

Missions -> parts -> Profit


Better luck next time…

Lmao how did you get 22???

It gives you them 15 at a time.


I spent less than an hour each day and got all 600 some time last week.