How Spatial Scanner indicate minerals?

They are just showing green circles around me, and other colors of light directs me to aliens… ![:005:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005.png “:005:”)Any experienced mercenaries who can help me…

Green = Minerals/COntainer/Fuel.

Red = Enemies

Blue = mysterious container


Sometimes they will mix if there are lots of things in the area. Yellow means enemies plus loot. Purple means enemies and mystery container.

White-ish means everything ;p

There will be dashes around you, as they get taller it means you are closer. If they point above the centre line you must turn up. If they point down you must turn down.


If you are in a  destroyer then it’s harder to use because they didn’t increase the tallness of dashes yet the circle is bigger :confused:



2 hours ago, barrylv said:

They are just showing green circles around me, and other colors of light directs me to aliens… ![:005:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005.png “:005:”)Any experienced mercenaries who can help me…
