How long are ships with golden gear pieces supposed to take to get?

I don’t quite understand what the concept is with these unique golden component ships.

If you outright buy T5 ones using repeatedly the 5x option, you’re looking at roughly $300 of GS?

For the price of a single 5x (+10) you could buy a 30 day license, but instead you need 40 of them, enough to buy license for over 3 years.


I guess it is a long-term veteran award, not something to aim for earning? By the amount I play, maybe in 10 years I will have one :stuck_out_tongue:

4 hours ago, Weylin29651 said:

I don’t quite understand what the concept is with these unique golden component ships.

If you outright buy T5 ones using repeatedly the 5x option, you’re looking at roughly $300 of GS?

For the price of a single 5x (+10) you could buy a 30 day license, but instead you need 40 of them, enough to buy license for over 3 years.


I guess it is a long-term veteran award, not something to aim for earning? By the amount I play, maybe in 10 years I will have one :stuck_out_tongue:

Archelon ~300 games, Stingray ~600, Brokk ~1700 games. So no - you have to be pretty persistent to get ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

If you really grind (with 3-4 of that rank ship equipped) you can probably get something like the stingay in like a month.

27 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

If you really grind (with 3-4 of that rank ship equipped) you can probably get something like the stingay in like a month.

Nope, it takes longer. Even if you really grind.

for the half part of a year i got around 2 full sets for Karud while playing Sector Conquest and PvE on lvl 15 ships

I took a different approach to these things, noted that i have very little use for monocrystals, i just farmed them instead of farming parts and sold them on the market, once i get to a x5 pack price id buy it and rinse and repeat. I did the same with everything else, was much faster and you have a clear goal in mind, idk how much of it is viable now since the mono bundles changed. I managed to get about 40-50 monos a day farming the hell out of OS tasks + the daily mono task. Here’s one example of how lucky i got at times.


Now it’s 1500 iridium for 50 monocrystals… which is like a week of doing all dailies, or 40 something high level PvE missions

I didnt mean those bundles of monos but okay, thats also one source you can use to aid your farming process.

2 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

I took a different approach to these things, noted that i have very little use for monocrystals, i just farmed them instead of farming parts and sold them on the market, once i get to a x5 pack price id buy it and rinse and repeat. I did the same with everything else, was much faster and you have a clear goal in mind, idk how much of it is viable now since the mono bundles changed. I managed to get about 40-50 monos a day farming the hell out of OS tasks + the daily mono task. Here’s one example of how lucky i got at times.


Now it’s 15 monos/xenos per day only.

And you can stretch your mono gold even further by only buying x5 packages on discount days. Gold part ships are put on sale once per week and rotate every week, so you could honestly make them even faster by selling monos and OS modules.

I’m curious how much GS you guys make per day.

Unless there’s an absolute goldmine I don’t know about, it seems better to just buy the GS on sale.

If it’s interesting to u, only Stingray and Nightingale are worth to be crafted. Other ships (t2 and  t5 Karud) are non-usefull in real-time reality.

4 minutes ago, Weylin29651 said:

I’m curious how much GS you guys make per day.

Unless there’s an absolute goldmine I don’t know about, it seems better to just buy the GS on sale.

I have >180 fleet power.
For the couple of weekends with offer +50% credit farm in PvE it’s possible to get around 260 000 000 -300 000 000 credits
I checked, that while buying resource containers (x10 osmium,x10 vanadium and x10 of all other minerals) u’re picking x2 loot.
Finally, if you spent all 400 000 000 credits for containers and then make a convertation of resource from them to the tradeable items - you can sell all of them by min prices.
It will be equal nearly to 15 000 - 20 000 GS (depends at real-time costs on auction) after selling everything.

4 hours ago, Weylin29651 said:

I’m curious how much GS you guys make per day.

Unless there’s an absolute goldmine I don’t know about, it seems better to just buy the GS on sale.


There is always something, some way other than the direct way hidden in plain sight that would get you what you want. It’s just that you have to think outside of the box sometimes.


For now im at 30ish monos per day so that gives out like 300ish GS daily. It’s worth mentioning that the OS tasks appear every 3 hours and last 6 hours until completion or until the time runs out so you have like 8 chances daily to get at least one monocrystal task that gives out 2, 3, 5 or 8 monos. I try to catch as many as i can, most i got in one day was 34 monocrystals without any other missions, just open space tasks.


In the end, those ships are considered to be premium ships, therefore their primary design is to generate revenue in some way or the other, so it’s only natural to seek a fast way to generate the ingame currency in heaps worth. All of the games i’ve ever played had the same approach, in the days i played WoW i focused on farming easy stuff so i could buy stuff i need on the auctions since i couldnt do raids on my own nor find proper reliable groups for instance, that’s where and when i learned to take different routes to get stuff i wanted.


4 hours ago, Balalayka133 said:

If it’s interesting to u, only Stingray and Nightingale are worth to be crafted. Other ships (t2 and  t5 Karud) are non-usefull in real-time reality.


“Unstable ships” like the ones you mentioned are as viable as the meta lets them, outside of that they are as worth as any other premium and that can easily happen at any time so investing in the “latest broken thing” is not advised imho. So far i found a good use for all of the collectible premium ships and dlc ships alike, but you really have to be versatile in all of the roles and even meta builds you come up on your own to take advantage of all the ships in the ships tree properly.