How i built Spaceships (Sketch up)

Hello everyone, I am 15 years old and love building spaceships on Google SketchUp.

I am going to show the process on how I built my ships.

So let’s begin:

Model: “Atom or PC16-A” (Planet Cruiser)

time built: 12-8-10 – 12-8-25

It is easier to build the smallest components first so I built the weapon base, which is where the weapons would attach to the ship first.


Then some Details;



Then I built the Weapons,




Finally I merged the two components together:



Then I built the cockpit:


I built the ejection system


Then the base of the cockpit, took almost a week to build, and several redo’s.


Finally i was able to place it together


Now I am ready to build the ship.

The ship is mostly a glorified box with 2 wings to give some style.



That’s it for now, i will complete this later but for now, i got things to do.

Thanks for looking,


Seems interesting. I worked with CAD in high school, but I have almost forgotten everything.

^^ lol you would not bleave how long it took me to learn SketchUp. (i started when i was 11 yrs old)

I know that it is hard work. Some friends are doing some modelling it looks interesting but I dont have enough time for that.

Yep time. Some have it, some don’t.

@ Airstrike56


You ever think about using Blender? Its Free and amazing! I use it all the time when I am not playing WT and working on other projects. I introduced my son to blender when he was 14 ,he is 16 now and loves it. I tried out sketchup when it first came out ,its not bad.


This intrigues me. I’ll have to try tracking the software down.

If you are looking to get started with blender you could do worse then heading out to for some tutorials. Yeah there is some pay to view stuff there but a) it’s cheap and b) plenty of free stuff to get started.

^^ lol you would not bleave how long it took me to learn SketchUp. (i started when i was 11 yrs old)

I can see you making 3D animation later on in your life. When you get into a school and with some sort of school E-mail. Look up autodesk 3Ds max or Maya. that software is from the same people that make auto CAD and you can get that software as a student edition for free.


With that software, you can put in your work into some kind of game engine. granted, there are more steps to learn to do that. but from what you know already. you should be able to apply that knowledge from Sketchup and make your own ships. 

A lot of the ships in this game were done in google sketchup. Here’s a link to one of the ships done in this game for example.


This kid has the potential to become a designer. Just keep it up and do what you enjoy :slight_smile: