How Good Is AdamWest, HONESTLY ?


Don t be jelly.  You’ll be sent away to jelly school :



Amazing! Simply amazing. You defeated them by fear alone.

Hey, at least you spawned :smiley:

Yes, I have had games where I wasn’t even allowed to spawn :slight_smile:

Skill pure skill.

Omg your spawn granted your team a victory! Seriously that gave me a good laugh! xD

That precise timing!, that fear inspiring arrival to the battle!


So much skilz, wow, much fear, so much win

pshhh i don’t even have to warp in. :P 

damm you batman   I have said it often Iwould have got away with it if wasnt for you pesky kids

>join game


For a second I thought you crashed into the captain when spawned xD

YES YES We killed their captain … ooohh fck it Adam_West spawned we lost.


She is that good What if she had a garlic ?

YES YES We killed their captain … ooohh fck it Adam_West spawned we lost.


She is that good What if she had a garlic ?


She XD   Have you ever talked to her in person?

She XD   Have you ever talked to her in person?

why do u care ?


why do u care ?

'Cause actually Adam is a dude.

'Cause actually Adam is a dude.

Doesn’n matter i dont know him anyway so as long as i didn’t say “it” both should works tho

Don’t worry Omar, you aren’t the first person to think Adam is a girl.