how filter works?


All take long range and snipe eachother

so this words are forbidden , why is that?



If you know what a wildcard is, the filter is : *[profanity word]*

Which mean that every single words composed of an insult is banned. Like assignment because of a**, computer because of put*,  and blablabla. 

Stupid? Yes. Worst filter ever.

I bet it took barely 10 minutes to devs to make this filter since it requires literally 3 lines of code. 


foreach (string profanity in profanities)
	    if (message.Contains(profanity))
	         return ChatPrintError("You can't post insult  blablabla");

For your messages it was “snipe” that was blocked because of “nip”.

And that doesn’t even make sense. I mean “boob” is perfectly okay to type. XD

Yep the filter does not its work properly. U can do lotta profanity and it wont notice.



Fix It. At least tell us what is triggering the filter.

2 hours ago, RennieAshII said:



Fix It. At least tell us what is triggering the filter.

Scrap this “Profanity Filter” and leave it as it was. We don’t need it! We can mute players, if they swear or insult, so it’s not a problem.

You should worry about the game and not about this trivial thing, which isn’t even related to game and its content.

It isn’t working as it’s supposed to, unfortunately.


Again, occupying by this means less resources and time devoted on really important things, related to the game.

They just need to update their blacklist/white list whatever it’s called. If they want to filter “bad” words even if they are within other words, then make a whitelist using the “automatically generated reports”. Over time, the GMs can add in words not to be filtered so the problem is fixed in the next update.

8 hours ago, RennieAshII said:

They just need to update their blacklist/white list whatever it’s called. If they want to filter “bad” words even if they are within other words, then make a whitelist using the “automatically generated reports”. Over time, the GMs can add in words not to be filtered so the problem is fixed in the next update.

NO, thats a short sight solution that requires much effort for such low effectiveness and slow implementation. It would require countless updates to still have a vast amound of “good” words filtered.

Heres a list with only english language (cause you know the english filter is applied for all these languages: english, french, german, spanish, polish, portuguese, hungarian and chinese):

Filter core functioning is completely wrong. If you want to solve the issue, solve the cause, not its symptoms.

Hello there) We’re informed about this problem and already prepared new profanity filter version which will work much more appropriate. However, we’re able to update it only during new patch, which will happen very soon :)

I really don’t understand why u people waste your time on doing irrelevant things. If i want to insult somebody i will find a way to do it  despite your profanity filter … And we all know there are zillion more important stuff waiting to be solved.

The filter was updated today, and should be working as intended ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

2 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

The filter was updated today, and should be working as intended ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

If a red text appears again, when I explain some baking recipes, I will let you know!

“happened”, “computer”, “Oculus” still are banned

Yeah just remove this filter already. It’s a pile of crap

So, they just added a few words to exclude and call it “reworked” and “optimized”. I could do that and I know almost nothing about programming.

Please, scrap it. You would have to add ten thousand words to it, not just a few to really make it work.

Looks like it came from non English swearing. Will fix it