How does the Squad matchmaker work?

So a few days ago i tryed to play some pvp matches with a friend, who has just returned to the game. His max rank is r9 and we tryed anything imaginable to try and get a few PvP matches.

Launching with r 16 and r 9; Launching with r10 and r9, Launching with r9 and r9. But we wouldn’t get matched, whatsoever:


So my question is, how does the Squad MM work, and what can i do, to find matches in this squad?

In my experience, simply there have to be another 2 man squad in the que. And this squad can’t be from the same corp. Whenever I try to play with friend and we actually get a match, there is the same pair on opposite side over and over.

I think the problem might be paticularily in the rank//player level difference between me and my buddy.

1 hour ago, Flash0914 said:

I think the problem might be paticularily in the rank//player level difference between me and my buddy.

Doubt that this is the reason. The problem is that there aren’t that many 2 man squads. Even at Prime Time I had to wait like ~10min for getting  a match as a 2man squad.

half a year and they still dont fix it…

team with friend or corp is the best for every game to develop…

are the russian play alone?
