I want to delete all saved data and start again. 


I have deleted the game from my computer and reinstalled, deleted local data from steam and reinstalled, searched all settings in star conflict itself and in steam and I cant seem to do it. Surely you can start a new campaign if you want to?





Are we playing the same game here?

The only way is a new account, and i dont see why you would want to. anything youve done can be righted in time

maybe coz horrible stats? could be that

bah, if your stats. are bad learn, make them better. that sort of reasoning is for those who lie to themselves

I accidentally blew all my credits on something I didn’t want and I’m pretty near the start of the game so I figured I’d reset it, so theres no need to go all Camus on me. 

Credits are part of the grind.  I’m guessing your T1 so try PvE, Blackwood Shipyard.


Round 1, kill all the ships.

Round 2, rush the stations and ignore the ships!  That’s the main reason T1 players fail.

Round 3, just kill the boss.


Frigates tend to excel in PvE, but T1’s a lot easier for other ships.


it is not possible to reset your account.

You can pick any T1 ship and go back to the beginning if you want to start from the beginning.

I accidentally blew all my credits on something I didn’t want and I’m pretty near the start of the game so I figured I’d reset it, so theres no need to go all Camus on me. 


You bought the wrong item(s)? Holy moley, there’s no need to get your pants soiled over that. Just keep playing, it’ll keep the credits coming.


If you bought the wrong ship(s), let me tell you now: There are no WRONG ships. Except, maybe, dead end ones, but there are some that are good.

Yes, I would like to point out to the original poster, that you very, very likely have misunderstood some concept of the game. There is no need to do any reset in this game, ever. Nothing you buy / select / do in-game is so fatal that you would need to “reset”. Even if you spent money on wrong thing, it is still easier is just to carry on playing and gain that money again in that same account, than to start new.

Yeah, i mean i just rebuilt my ricasso from scratch.  It doesnt take over long

I want to know what he blew his credits on…