How close to death can you come?

Post here your screens on how close you came to death! 


I got very close in a T1 match(Damn tutorial makes me go there)

Since It was T1, I couldn’t repair it by standing near an engi, but survived the whole match and actually got me a bunch more kills xD





I’ve had 0 hull and 50 shields before. I survived another 30 seconds then got blown out of space by a stray disintegrator shot.

Yesterday, T2 match, me flying a Recon. 7 hull left. Did not screencaps it as I was more worried in getting the xxxx out of there. Swear to god, I was the luckiest SoB in that match. No Engi on sight, I waited for shields to reload and dived right back in that Minefield-infested Beacon. I then died like an idiot, obviously.

yesterday 2 hull with 0 shields… no screen, haven’t got time to press key :wink:

Do I win?



WAT. Zero! dafuk!!

LOL you are the #1 contender right now :stuck_out_tongue:


Nicely done though

Nah, not close enough. 0 hull, 32 shields and still trying to push it lower

As they say… “Pics, or it didn’t happen!!”

It’s not exactly an instinct to press prt screen when I’m being chased by a crapload of ships when I’m very near dead.



You KNOW you are practicly dead when you have THAT many debuffs on you…


Needless to say, I died 1 second later when the emergency barrier ended…



I knew I was dead, just swerved and took a picture.  I don’t remember if I died or found an engineer, probably died since I was tracked.  Who gives up on a kill like that?



Me after a successful bomb run in my T2 Fox-M Tackler, I had just enough time to snap a screenshot before I died.


He didn’t exactly survive it, so no. Current victor is Censored because he was the first one at 0 hull that managed to survive.

He didn’t exactly survive it, so no. Current victor is Censored because he was the first one at 0 hull that managed to survive.

I said I couldn’t recall.  I do have adaptive camo up, and I was flying for a good five seconds before I took the picture.  Me and Censored at least both went down to pure zero, the big difference is how long it took to take the picture.

He didn’t exactly survive it, so no. Current victor is Censored because he was the first one at 0 hull that managed to survive.

Where the hell does it stand that you need to survive? I’ve had 0 hull and 231 shields before, I survived 60 seconds before i died, so i am not allowed to post my screenshot? In my opinion i think you can’t better than anyone here.

Where the hell does it stand that you need to survive? I’ve had 0 hull and 231 shields before, I survived 60 seconds before i died, so i am not allowed to post my screenshot? In my opinion i think you can’t better than anyone here.

I can’t? I killed many people with my hull lower than 15%. I just don’t bother taking screenies with my hp that low because I’m more concerned about surviving than showing off how big my e-peen is. So you’ll forgive me for that.

I can’t? I killed many people with my hull lower than 15%. I just don’t bother taking screenies with my hp that low because I’m more concerned about surviving than showing off how big my e-peen is. So you’ll forgive me for that.

Alright you 2, either break up or do the otherwise mandatory make-up-sex.

This is not about showing e-peen, this is just for fun and the times you came insanely close to death.


So yes, pictures where you still died at 0 health are fine, but the ones where you managed to survive after are far batter.

Took me a while before I managed to hit Cmd + Shift + 3. Nowhere near the epic levels of the previous posts, sadly.

