How are Ship Reward bonuses calculated ?

Quite some of my time has been spent in Star Conflict by now but to this day I could not find a definite answer to this simple question.


Some people say the Ship Reward bonus for credits gained from a match, is the average Reward bonus between all equipped ships. Others told me the same but that it only counts ships used in the particular battle.

Then again, someone else will throw all that out the window and state that only the highest ship bonus is being counted.


To make my question very clear, I am here talking about the various “Reward bonus” percentages on different ships, the higher the Tier, the Higher the bonus, also premium ships will sport even higher bonuses.

For example, a standart Tier 3 ship comes with a Reward bonus of 125%, while the Desert Eagle premium ship has a 170% bonus.



Questions :


  • What exactly do these bonuses feed into ? (credits, loyalty, reputation, all ?)


  • How exactly, is the applied end- bonus calculated, especially when equipping several ships with different bonus values ?



I doubt any player actually knows the answer to this question with certainty, so I am hoping Error is able to chime in and drop some knowledge or even a Dev, this is kinda important to know as a dedicated pilot.

I was wondering that too. I’ve been told that the more ships with higher bonuses you had, the more credits you would win in game, but I doubt it works that way.

From what I understand, its based on use.

If you use that desert eagle the whole game, you get 175% reward at the end, if you use it 10% of the time and then use a 125% ship for the other 90%, your reward will be scaled by the amount you used each ship, and with your efficiency in each ship.

The % is only your credit reward from what I can gather. Reputation is scaled by tier played, efficiency and your actual tier that you should be playing. Synergy for your ship is flat out efficiency/kills in the match.

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Thank you very much, i appreciate that :slight_smile:

bump :-/

More on this, please.


I am stilling waiting on a response. 17f0f3b0.gif
This thread has not been forgotten!

I am stilling waiting on a response. 17f0f3b0.gif


This thread has not been forgotten!


good to hear, thank you Zeik :slight_smile:

Eagerly awaiting the answer as I have a guide up on making credits in which I would love to stick some factual data & start crunching some actual numbers.


I want to once and for all end the discussion of “omg we don’t make enough credits, I only make 50k per match” - which we’re thoroughly tested for over a week. NONE of our members make that little money, which suggests people are missunderstanding how the game works, interpreting their income incorrectly or doing something horribly wrong.

I suppose the devs might have forgotten about this request.

I suppose the devs might have forgotten about this request.

They haven’t. Things have just been a little hectic recently. My apologies.