Hostile Enemies give negative karma

  1. Description: Destroying or assisting in destruction of some hostile(red) enemies gives negative karma.

  2. Expected: If enemy is red (hostile) and not blue (ally/neutral) destroying it or assisting in destruction should give 0 or more karma. If enemy is aggressive(red) and shoot the player first then the player shouldn’t get negative karma because it discourages from defending from these enemies. Why should we get punished for defending ourselves from enemies?

  3. Condition: Flying in Open Space and destroying certain red enemies can give negative karma. Sometimes they are even mission targets.

  4. Further details: Screenshot shows me flying in Colonization Hub and destroying Bruisers for missions. Bruisers are always red(hostile) even without shooting them first. Destroying one gives me -20 karma what is clearly seen in screenshot(see also mission progression). Bug can be reproduced this way.

  5. Frequency: Always with certain enemies.

6. Logs + [screenshots](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/18799-how-to-takepost-screenshots/) attached. Mentioned bug happened just before quitting the game.




Yup basically all enemies in OS are all weird with karma now. Blue enemies give positive and negative. Red enemies give positive and negative. Only killing players still gives negative.

13 hours ago, Gon009 said:

Destroying or assisting in destruction of some hostile(red) enemies gives negative karma.

If you attack police ship it color well be red, but you loss karma. It isn’t a bug.

1 hour ago, Skula1975 said:

If you attack police ship it color well be red, but you loss karma. It isn’t a bug.

The problem here is that the police ships are coloured red BEFORE you attack them.

Yep, had the same problem before, ships are already red and will attack you. My karam is 100000+
I never attacked the ships

2 hours ago, Skula1975 said:

If you attack police ship it color well be red, but you loss karma. It isn’t a bug.

I’m not talking about attacking blue ships(that turn red after that) but I’m talking about ships that are red from the start. I’m on the map without attacking anyone, suddenly red ships are attacking me, they are talking in their usual “pirate” voice and I’m getting negative karma when I destroy them.


Please check the screenshots and then go to Colonization Hub. You will meet red bruisers there who will attack your first without warning. If you defend yourself you get negative karma.

I also had similar situation in other map, saw some BLUE “Businessman” NPCs fighting with RED enemies when I entered the map, I shoot the RED enemies(not BLUE ones) and I get -100 karma for each of them.

Please read my bug report carefully and please go reproduce it first by following information in bug report.


Also what @**[xXThunderFlameXx](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/255735-xxthunderflamexx/ “Go to xXThunderFlameXx’s profile”) **said can be the source of this bug. I’ve met many red ships with “police” colors that attack me first and talk in “pirate” voice.


I will post later a video showing me entering the map for the first time and getting attacked by these ships.

there is also a map containg federation fighters, empire fighters and jericho fighters that are attacking each other, those are all red and if you attack them you also get negative karma

In some missions you are supposed to kill them.

I don’t think you are supposed to do missions where you are forced to lose karma

I haz da answur:

Apparently based on lore some of the factions are allies and hostiles at the same time, rivals would be a better word i guess so thats why they are red colored and you get negative karma for killing them.

2 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

I haz da answur:

Apparently based on lore some of the factions are allies and hostiles at the same time, rivals would be a better word i guess so thats why they are red colored and you get negative karma for killing them.

Ok but… Why.

If they aggress you without provocation, they should be free game to kill without consequence.

28 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Ok but… Why.

If they aggress you without provocation, they should be free game to kill without consequence.

Weeeellll, thats the issue of copy pasta mechanics but it should be sorted out soon TM.

I think I understood 0098412