Hope can fix them soon

The Chinese translation has many mistakes.It will be very good if you fix these mistakes soon.

Here are some bugs and mistakes. 5af6882ae7308_QQ20180512122524.png.35f8c3c1d54f807f0e268170028e1b37.png 5af6882b953d0_QQ20180512122601.png.4be357823412ee126d4d453c2848d6e3.png 5af6882bd48c6_QQ20180512122738.png.f0f0a46780f366f7d2e72b7eb9191a20.png 5af6883031e1c_QQ20180512123443.png.e797d231deed812ba6ab6ad435cc03be.png 5af6883070831_QQ20180512124653.png.db1369e1047cb5d8184366944e20ae93.png 5af688311a399_.PNG.11de6ac4891326ca10e7c7f27d3d0a16.PNG

Non-English translations are made by community volunteer translators and I don’t think there is Chinese one active. If you can help, ask [@Akaurl](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/241018-akaurl/) for details.

no, it will not be fixed soon ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

many typo in all languages, even in English, but as said Rob, if you have time to help…

The main wave of fixes will be started after a certain percent of all translated words.

On Saturday, May 12, 2018 at 5:14 PM, Rob40468 said:

Non-English translations are made by community volunteer translators and I don’t think there is Chinese one active. If you can help, ask [@Akaurl](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/241018-akaurl/) for details.

I’m one of the volunteer