Hitler reacts: Star Conflict news

Loosely based on real events. Does not accurately reflect my personal views. For entertainment purposes.





don’t mind the cat, he is a nihilist.




still not getting this hipster hitler, i miss squads, do i even have to agree with adolf about it now?

Brilliant XD I like how some of the words you in the subtitles actually corresponded somewhat to what he said, like Blut and blood and Stalin and uninstalling XD



BTW t3 is rather empty of destroyers now the missions are over. I guess people realised they are actually really boring to play. I’ve not tried t4. As for squads, well yeah it’s been like that for a while now. Since league and dreadnoughts are unsatisfactory, the only proper teamplay we can get in now is weekend tourney. The rest is not worth it. It’s a solo game now.

T4 is pretty much empty of them as well.

dam, that couldn’t have been better.  Watching it for the rest of the day now.


“They think improving weapon damage or improving some ship will improve game balance ?  I have more balance in my stomach after I eat mexican !!!”


You good sir Get It !!!

+1 please send it to the Video Wanted thread as well :smiley:





And I have never said otherwise, yet little whiny kids generalize for everybody and then circlejerk in a small tight corner.

These kids today.


All just trolls.

 little whiny kids generalize for everybody and then circlejerk in a small tight corner.

That is not true at all. It is a big and very spacious corner!


thanks for the news update millanb3l - glad


I’m just glad some people find it as funny as i did :slight_smile: its only for fun, although its based on real events :wink:



+1 please send it to the Video Wanted thread as well :smiley:

i will if i find it

And I have never said otherwise, yet little whiny kids generalize for everybody and then circlejerk in a small tight corner. 


Than stop looking at people doing it. Watch something else as devs do. 


I don’t think that keep looking at people circlejerking makes you less omo than them.

I wonder, how will Hitler react, when he will learn that now he can play with T5 Destroyers?

I am pretty sure that his army will storm the gates in their offices.


This guy would be better, though.

Just add the new subtitles.


i will if i find it

[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/27812-videos-wanted/page-7](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/27812-videos-wanted/page-7) :slight_smile:

Than stop looking at people doing it. Watch something else as devs do.

I don’t think that keep looking at people circlejerking makes you less omo than them.


xD I loved it. 07 



This is perfection, thanks for sharing this gem

Huh. Never thought I’d +1 an Adolf Hitler video.


My mother would be proud.

He makes a good point