Help...Fed tackler fighter or gunship

Need some help deciding wich one to choose…Actually i’m flyng a tackler fighter and meybe is not so bad…even if i don’t really like it. Tackler modules are good in nerfing opponents but i suppose gunship is much better coz of the high damage and fun it can give…Really, nearly every fighter i see in game is gunship or command…so i think i should do the same and go for the gunship fighter…


Any idea guys…I’d like to get some pros and cons for both ships…lol

Anyone flying both of them can do a comparison…?

It depends on the tier and rank you’re playing. In tier 2, the best you can get from fed is the rank 6 Tackler, Fox-M, for tier 3, get the rank 9 gunship Wolf-M. Why? Module slots and reward bonuses. If you want to stick to tier 2 and play a gunship, go for the Empire Deimos 2.

i fly t3-t4 and already have a wolf tackler…i’d like to buy a t4 and dunno if going for tackler or gunship now…

T2? Machete, regular. Rank4. 8 Minelayers. Squad on 4 machetes, in a beacons match? 32 minefield potential.


I don’t think I have to say any more.

T2 player here, so I’m not sure if this is going to apply to you. I flew a Lynx MkII alongside my Fox briefly, when I was still deciding which to go with as my main fighter. In the end, I picked Fox because of my preferred weapon (rapid plasma) and my usual play style: sneak up to and ambush back rank targets. Overdrive is wasted due to the high rate of fire, and when I switched to an assault railgun, it heated up twice as quickly so I couldn’t take out lone guard frigates fast enough. In dogfights, I found it easier to slow down the enemy (using a tackler module) than to speed up my own fighter (via overdrive). The loss of damage wasn’t that significant… rapid plasmas are already quite brutal with their damage type combination (EM and kinetic), and stack well with my target painter.


I’m pretty sure the situation would be a lot different had I used a different weapon or employed a different mode of operation.

T2 player here, so I’m not sure if this is going to apply to you. I flew a Lynx MkII alongside my Fox briefly, when I was still deciding which to go with as my main fighter. In the end, I picked Fox because of my preferred weapon (rapid plasma) and my usual play style: sneak up to and ambush back rank targets. Overdrive is wasted due to the high rate of fire, and when I switched to an assault railgun, it heated up twice as quickly so I couldn’t take out lone guard frigates fast enough. In dogfights, I found it easier to slow down the enemy (using a tackler module) than to speed up my own fighter (via overdrive). The loss of damage wasn’t that significant… rapid plasmas are already quite brutal with their damage type combination (EM and kinetic), and stack well with my target painter.


I’m pretty sure the situation would be a lot different had I used a different weapon or employed a different mode of operation.


Think yoiu r right m8…Tackler prolly aren’t that bad…and Fed gunship fighters have low shield/hull compared to the empire ones wich are nearly dominating the game… Actually when i fly my tackler fighter i use your same sneaking tactic (like covert ops int should work too) but using heavy plasma to get huge dps.

Anyway I hope to get some more feeds from fed tackler/gunship pilots b4 going for the purchase of the new fighter :wink:

I don’t fly fighters much lately, but I was getting killed unexpectedly quickly in T2 Fed Tacklers a few days ago. If you can’t invest in speed (read: T3 and above), I’m not sure Fed Tacklers are a good idea.

In my opinion, tackers are useless except for that fact that cloak is good avoid-death module.

In my opinion, tackers are useless except for that fact that cloak is good avoid-death module.


Completely agree. I make use of the Fed tackler’s speed to dart in, murder something, then flee by flying erratically and cloaking. Then I run back to the engineering frigate with a heal aura, sit around for a bit, and run back into the fray. Rinse and repeat. Occasionally, if I really want to kill a key target, I cloak, run in, and do a suicidal attack. For that reason, I don’t put survival/restoration modules on my tackler (I’m only in T2 so I’ve got limited slots).

mmm…looks llike all my tackelr ships are pretty crap stuff with this patch…

So all of you think that fed gunship fighter are better than tackler then???

Anyone preferring tackler over gunship…?

I DO :U.


You gotta bob about and lob shots into engies constantly. That target painter is heinous, I don’t care what anyone thinks, it brings my stabilized rail up to 1.8-2k thermal a shot, 2k-2.4k kinetic once shields are down, even slowing field missiles do 3k+ on targets shields with it, Armor piercing lobs for 4k on a painted with shields down. The inhibitor beam dropped on an interceptor your friends are targeting also can’t do squat but die.


I know you can’t paint everything since it’s got a ten second cooldown once the most recent use has fallen off, but that’s what the other debuffs are for.

Oh yeah and picking apart guards is easy peasy as a tackler, phase shield can’t keep up and once it’s gone you go down. Tacklers play like a pseudo recon to me, drift about beside allies and support down crap way faster than they’d expect.

I have played all the lynx ships and the lynx-M is probobly the best one. I get much less kills in the MkII and i die much quicker than the m to.

I have played all the lynx ships and the lynx-M is probobly the best one. I get much less kills in the MkII and i die much quicker than the m to.

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