Heavy Drone bug

hello guys sorry for my bad english but i have a problem a friend from me has by the federation the silent fox and he has the heavy drone now comes my problem and although I have the heavy drone not and why ask me why have i this idk if this is a bug or not please help and yep its german while i com from this country 



“Hello, guys, sorry for my bad English, but I have a problem.  A friend of mine has the Federation Silent Fox (rank 7) and he has the Heavy Drone.  Now comes my problem: Although I have the heavy drone…”


I’m totally lost after this…


But I assume it is because he does not see the Heavy Drone in available active modules.  I had a similar problem, and I believed it is not available for this ship, but I have a good feeling that I am wrong.

Yes, heavy drone is for higher tier ships only.

Yes, heavy drone is for higher tier ships only.

Ah, see, I thought it was available for all tacklers in tier 3.

and why have my mate then the same fighter and the heavy drone ?  and realy sorry for my very very bad english ^^ i have not learned english^^

Oh, no wait. I know now. Silent fox can only have one drone mounted. If you take off the sentry you can change to heavy drone.

i have try but its still the same … no heavy drone 

i have try but its still the same … no heavy drone 

Heavy drone is unlocked at rank 9 or 10 iirc. You need to have a ship of that rank to unlock it, and they you can mount it on the Silent fox.

Duh… that’s right.

ah okay thanks is it wayne wich fraction ?

ah okay thanks is it wayne wich fraction ?

Any ship of any faction. You just have to reach that rank I think.


But please take note that feature was introduced after I researched most of the ships, so I’m not sure. Maybe you need to reach that rank in a tackler instead.

hmm okay i will see thanks for helping me out :slight_smile:

Level up the silent fox to buy wolf mkII, then see if drone is available for silent fox.