Healing team makes me criminal

When my team needs to be healed and a grab one of those green artifact things that repairs lots of hull, I am made a criminal. Like I got a player kill. I did not pay attention to my karma, but it happened twice so I know it wasn’t an anomaly.

When my team needs to be healed and a grab one of those green artifact things that repairs lots of hull, I am made a criminal. Like I got a player kill. I did not pay attention to my karma, but it happened twice so I know it wasn’t an anomaly.


I know. I reported the issue some time ago.

Damage booster, repair kit artifact will change you to criminal, while in a group.

Bugs, bugs, bugs.


12:52:38.920 CMBT | Cancel aura 'RepairDrones_l_T4_Mk1' id 12428 type AURA_HEAL_HULL_PERIODIC from 'NPC206'
12:52:38.920 CMBT | Heal n/a -> n/a 2189.69 Module_RepairDrones_l_T4_Mk1
12:52:39.766 CMBT | Damage TheDarkRedFox -> NPC206 3192.20 Weapon_Laser_Heavy_T5_Epic THERMAL|PRIMARY_WEAPON 
12:52:40.424 CMBT | Damage TheDarkRedFox -> NPC206 2483.58 Module_GuidedDron_T5_Rare THERMAL 
12:52:40.468 CMBT | Damage TheDarkRedFox -> NPC206 2132.40 Weapon_Laser_Heavy_T5_Epic THERMAL|PRIMARY_WEAPON 
12:52:41.082 CMBT | Rocket launch. owner 'TheDarkRedFox', def 'SpaceMissile_DoomDay_T5', target 'NPC206'
12:52:41.640 CMBT | Cancel aura 'WebPropulsion_T5_Rare' id 12417 type AURA_SLOW_MOVEMENT from 'NPC206'
12:52:41.931 CMBT | Damage TheDarkRedFox -> NPC206 2837.41 Weapon_Laser_Heavy_T5_Epic THERMAL|PRIMARY_WEAPON 
12:52:42.273 CMBT | Rocket detonation. owner 'TheDarkRedFox', def 'SpaceMissile_DoomDay_T5', reason 'hit', directHit 'NPC206'
12:52:42.444 CMBT | Damage TheDarkRedFox -> NPC206 10394.47 SpaceMissile_DoomDay_T5 THERMAL|ROCKET|EXPLOSION 
12:52:42.919 CMBT | Damage TheDarkRedFox -> NPC206 3185.82 Weapon_Laser_Heavy_T5_Epic THERMAL|PRIMARY_WEAPON 
12:52:43.459 CMBT | Damage TheDarkRedFox -> NPC206 2483.58 Module_GuidedDron_T5_Rare THERMAL 
12:52:43.944 CMBT | Damage TheDarkRedFox -> NPC206 3204.98 Weapon_Laser_Heavy_T5_Epic THERMAL|PRIMARY_WEAPON 
12:52:44.947 CMBT | Damage TheDarkRedFox -> NPC206 3096.46 Weapon_Laser_Heavy_T5_Epic THERMAL|PRIMARY_WEAPON 
12:52:45.788 CMBT | Damage TheDarkRedFox -> NPC206 5437.92 Weapon_Laser_Heavy_T5_Epic THERMAL|PRIMARY_WEAPON|CRIT 
12:52:45.788 CMBT | Killed Hunter_T4; killer TheDarkRedFox 
12:52:45.788 CMBT | Participant DraConnorK Ship_Race2_S_T3_Faction2 totalDamage 2299.70; mostDamageWith 'Module_PlasmaWeb_T4_Base';
12:52:45.788 CMBT | Participant TheDarkRedFox Ship_Race3_M_T5_Premium totalDamage 71236.51; mostDamageWith 'Weapon_Laser_Heavy_T5_Epic'; <debuff>
12:52:45.831 CMBT | Cancel aura 'TargetPainter_T5_Epic' id 12415 type AURA_RESIST_ALL_DEC from 'NPC206'
12:52:48.042 CMBT | Spell 'MaxSpeedPlus27' by DraConnorK(Module_AdaptiveForceField_T4_Mk1) targets(1): DraConnorK
12:52:48.077 CMBT | Apply aura 'MaxSpeedPlus27' id 12434 type AURA_RESIST_ALL to 'DraConnorK'
12:52:50.370 CMBT | Cancel aura 'MaxSpeedPlus27' id 12434 type AURA_RESIST_ALL from 'DraConnorK'
12:52:52.027 CMBT | Dropped loot 'ow_Gold_nugget'
12:52:55.500 CMBT | Looted 'ow_Beryllium_panel' from 'LootCrate_T4_Dynamic'
12:53:02.493 CMBT | Damage OpenWorld_LootMailer -> TheDarkRedFox 1157.72 (crash) TRUE_DAMAGE|COLLISION 
12:53:04.584 CMBT | Damage OpenWorld_LootMailer -> TheDarkRedFox 375.76 (crash) TRUE_DAMAGE|COLLISION 
12:53:05.282 CMBT | Spell 'MaxSpeedPlus27' by DraConnorK(Module_AdaptiveForceField_T4_Mk1) targets(1): DraConnorK
12:53:05.359 CMBT | Apply aura 'MaxSpeedPlus27' id 12437 type AURA_RESIST_ALL to 'DraConnorK'
12:53:06.652 CMBT | Cancel aura 'MaxSpeedPlus27' id 12437 type AURA_RESIST_ALL from 'DraConnorK'
12:53:07.086 CMBT | Mailed loot
12:53:26.626 CMBT | Damage n/a -> DraConnorK 137.07 (crash) TRUE_DAMAGE|COLLISION 
12:53:33.667 CMBT | Damage n/a -> TheDarkRedFox 348.74 (crash) TRUE_DAMAGE|COLLISION 
12:53:33.929 CMBT | Damage n/a -> TheDarkRedFox 780.47 (crash) TRUE_DAMAGE|COLLISION 
12:53:41.394 CMBT | Spell 'Bonus_HealHull' by TheDarkRedFox(Bonus_HealHull) targets(1): TheDarkRedFox
12:53:41.462 CMBT | Apply aura 'Bonus_HealHull' id 12438 type AURA_HEAL_HULL_SCALED_PERIODIC to 'DraConnorK'
12:53:41.463 CMBT | Apply aura 'Bonus_HealHull' id 12438 type AURA_HEAL_HULL_SCALED_PERIODIC to 'TheDarkRedFox'
12:53:41.464 CMBT | Set relationship Police-Player3 to ENEMY
12:53:41.464 CMBT | Heal TheDarkRedFox -> DraConnorK 1500.00 Bonus_HealHull
12:53:41.975 CMBT | Damage n/a -> TheDarkRedFox 181.63 (crash) TRUE_DAMAGE|COLLISION 
12:53:42.425 CMBT | Heal TheDarkRedFox -> DraConnorK 791.18 Bonus_HealHull
12:53:44.444 CMBT | Cancel aura 'Bonus_HealHull' id 12438 type AURA_HEAL_HULL_SCALED_PERIODIC from 'DraConnorK'
12:53:44.445 CMBT | Cancel aura 'Bonus_HealHull' id 12438 type AURA_HEAL_HULL_SCALED_PERIODIC from 'TheDarkRedFox'
12:53:49.186 CMBT | Rocket detonation. owner 'OpenWorld_PoliceRocketTurret', def 'OpenWorld_PoliceRocketTurret', reason 'hit', directHit 'TheDarkRedFox'
12:53:49.375 CMBT | Damage OpenWorld_PoliceRocketTurret -> TheDarkRedFox 3333.33 OpenWorld_PoliceRocketTurret KINETIC|ROCKET|EXPLOSION 
12:53:51.468 CMBT | Rocket detonation. owner 'OpenWorld_PoliceRocketTurret', def 'OpenWorld_PoliceRocketTurret', reason 'ttl'
12:53:51.680 CMBT | Rocket detonation. owner 'OpenWorld_PoliceRocketTurret', def 'OpenWorld_PoliceRocketTurret', reason 'ttl'
12:53:53.362 CMBT | Damage TheDarkRedFox -> TheDarkRedFox 6419.70 (suicide) TRUE_DAMAGE|IGNORE_DAMAGE_SCALE|IGNORE_SHIELD|SUICIDE <FriendlyFire>
12:53:53.362 CMBT | Killed TheDarkRedFox Ship_Race3_M_T5_Premium; killer OpenWorld_PoliceRocketTurret 
12:53:53.362 CMBT | Participant TheDarkRedFox Ship_Race3_M_T5_Premium totalDamage 6419.70; mostDamageWith '(suicide)'; <FriendlyFire>
12:53:53.363 CMBT | Dropped loot '<all>'
12:53:53.367 CMBT | Spell 'OpenWorld_NPCReturn' by NPC28 targets(1): NPC28
12:53:53.367 CMBT | Spell 'OpenWorld_NPCReturn' by NPC6 targets(1): NPC6
12:53:53.368 CMBT | Spell 'OpenWorld_NPCReturn' by NPC14 targets(1): NPC14
12:53:53.462 CMBT | Apply aura 'OpenWorld_NPCReturn' id 12461 type AURA_FAST_MOVEMENT to 'NPC28'
12:53:53.462 CMBT | Apply aura 'OpenWorld_NPCReturn' id 12462 type AURA_FAST_MOVEMENT to 'NPC6'
12:53:53.462 CMBT | Apply aura 'OpenWorld_NPCReturn' id 12463 type AURA_FAST_MOVEMENT to 'NPC14'
12:53:53.462 CMBT | Set relationship Police-Player3 to NEUTRAL
12:53:53.462 CMBT | Set relationship Neutral2-Player3 to NEUTRAL
12:53:53.695 CMBT | Rocket detonation. owner 'OpenWorld_PoliceRocketTurret', def 'OpenWorld_PoliceRocketTurret', reason 'ttl'
12:53:54.689 CMBT | Cancel aura 'OpenWorld_NPCReturn' id 12462 type AURA_FAST_MOVEMENT from 'NPC6'
12:53:54.690 CMBT | Cancel aura 'PhaseShield_Phase0' id 11930 type AURA_SHIELD_RESIST_THERMAL from 'NPC197'
12:53:54.690 CMBT | Cancel aura 'OpenWorld_NPCReturn' id 12463 type AURA_FAST_MOVEMENT from 'NPC14'
12:53:54.693 CMBT | Cancel aura 'OpenWorld_NPCReturn' id 12461 type AURA_FAST_MOVEMENT from 'NPC28'

Omg he’s a genius!

…now how do I get the required wood?





Wood acquired:

We needed full logs files as attach