healing stacking nerf

lately been seeing exclusively engy clusters with few/very little other ships around. im talking about 4-5 engies at least. those duck in and out of cover and chain heal. you cant get close because they tear you a nes one from 5k afar. nukes and conventional tactics like torp spam wont work since the chain healing and the fact that there are always fre repair stations around not to mention all the drones. so i think the devs need to check their precious data as they always say they do :slight_smile: and implement a 20 sec cooldown after you have received a heal from an ally and can not be healed again for that duration. thank you.

I think you would miss my healing if you had to wait 20 more seconds.


Seriously though, while I am seeing more groups they don’t appear to be any stronger since the games are so much larger with groups of just about everything.

Personally, I’m seeing them die just the same if there is nothing protecting them.

lately been seeing exclusively engy clusters with few/very little other ships around. im talking about 4-5 engies at least. those duck in and out of cover and chain heal. you cant get close because they tear you a nes one from 5k afar. nukes and conventional tactics like torp spam wont work since the chain healing and the fact that there are always fre repair stations around not to mention all the drones. so i think the devs need to check their precious data as they always say they do :slight_smile: and implement a 20 sec cooldown after you have received a heal from an ally and can not be healed again for that duration. thank you.


Nuking them not only damages them and forces them to move away from one another, but it also destroys drones and stations. The same goes for a well placed EM torp. Also if you are in a bubble gunship, just see it as free extra hits, since you can hit 2 or 3 targets with the same bubble :slight_smile: The same goes for other splash damage weapons such as coil mortar or eclipse launcher.

The same goes for other splash damage weapons such as coil mortar or eclipse launcher.

Coils = no drones, no stations. Also jeri torps would make those engi packs really happy :smiley:

Focus fire is pretty effective too :stuck_out_tongue:

Really any AoE weapon is the bane of engineers. Lasers and projectiles are good for single targets, but explosives really make a dent.

implement a 20 sec cooldown after you have received a heal from an ally and can not be healed again for that duration. thank you.

Thank you for a suggestion, but I doubt that it will provide good results in the gameplay.

All it takes is two decent gunship pilots to go in on overdrive and they can shred through hordes of engies.  Personally I don’t think nukes are the way to go (ever), even try a coil spamming LRF on EM scattering and sneak up on them and pound them into the stone age.

All it takes is two decent gunship pilots to go in on overdrive and they can shred through hordes of engies.  Personally I don’t think nukes are the way to go (ever), even try a coil spamming LRF on EM scattering and sneak up on them and pound them into the stone age.



That reminds me the nukes are really useless. You only get one, and they don’t do much damage if at all. I think the nuke load out should be increased to 3 like cruise missiles or 2 like the blue ball for guards.

That reminds me the nukes are really useless. You only get one, and they don’t do much damage if at all. I think the nuke load out should be increased to 3 like cruise missiles or 2 like the blue ball for guards.


That would be overpowered as h3ll. Nukes are extremely powerful, especially in large quantities (hence why they are likely to be nerfed in the next patch). Having more than one nuke per cartridge would make covops even more powerful than they already are (and covops are balanced as they are, at least imo).


Regarding the OP, just bring an organized squad of an engie, 2 gunships, and an ECM, and you will ruin those engies’ day. 2 gunships will give you the firepower to focus the engies down 1 by 1, an the ECM can shut off 1 of the engies in that ball.


If you aren’t in an organized squad, AOE weapons are wonderful for making them cower behind their cover, as well as destroying their drones or stations. Otherwise, it is probably best to focus other targets on the team that aren’t near the engies, or who are easy enough to kill.

That reminds me the nukes are really useless. You only get one, and they don’t do much damage if at all. I think the nuke load out should be increased to 3 like cruise missiles or 2 like the blue ball for guards.

If you realy think this then you are not using it right, they are too powerfull, too easy

while we talk about stacking can we do something about ecm stacking? chainstun from 2-3 ecm is disgusting even with cpu slots and implants.

on the healing stacking. no, no pub teams are organised enough or fitted with the needed weapons/stuff to do that. what is even worse is that this same tactic is used in tourneys and since the teams there are more coordinated, most matches are decided by who will get 1 kill and then the rest of the match no kills at all.

ECM “chain stun” is a lie, especially, as you said, with CPU modules (aka proton wall)

keep telling yourself that :slight_smile: pubs can more or less do it and not to mention organised ecm teams. once again had a game where a swarm of 4 ecm wouldnt let anyone near the beacons in beacon hunt. u cant kill them cause of the effects and their friends and their stasis and on the other hand … oh wait you just cant i forgot :wink:

The moment you stop looking for excuses on why you lost and start analising on how you couldve win, will be the moment you step on the path of understanding how this game works.

The moment you stop looking for excuses on why you lost and start analising on how you couldve win, will be the moment you step on the path of understanding how this game works.


