Has Star Conflict been blocked?

I cannot log into my account from the game client. I checked my e-mail and password, but both are correct. The problem started at 22-30 Moscow time today, 18 April 2018. Before today’s evening everything was OK. What do I do? Maybe, this is just temporary ‘thanks’ to the Telegram blockade?
PS FIXED!!! Thank you!


You are not alone. The game launcher has a message that someone somewhere is working on something to resolve the problem… somehow.

1 hour ago, SINaka said:

game launcher has a message

Are you sure this is just a message? Something must have caused this message and this was likely to have been caused by the block. Perhaps StarConflicts’s  IP’s were blocked? I have read today that many gamers had been affected by the Telegram block. I’m from Ukraine. Where are the other blocked users situated geographically? Should I use some VPN soft?
P.S. Damn, after the winter update my Ping became 60 (and it used to be 25), and with VPN it will only allow me to play slow Guards.

Hmm… I did not know this. Just googled up and there it is… a good reason to go to war… for my daily dose of SC pewpew. ![:storm:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/storm.gif “:storm:”)

Just show me who to shoot at.

1 hour ago, SINaka said:

a good reason to go to war… for my daily dose of SC pewpew.

  So, you are also unable to log in? Are other countries able to log in?

Yes. I can not. I couldn’t even log in to the forum. I had to change my password for being able to use the forum. But the game launcher still refuses to work.

Forum works but gamelauncher not I’m from Belgium


You can tell them about it on Facebook!


You can tell them about it on Facebook!




FIXED. yes.
I logged in.
I played.
I killed!!!

FIXED. yes.
I logged in.
I played.


7 hours ago, SINaka said:

 a good reason to go to war…

I killed!!!