Harpoon plasma launcher

There is my issue


With the new harpoon plasma launcher in the Reaper, u can grab small rocks and the bomb in detonation pvp, but u cant attract players, i had been testing with some friends, and stations from engineers, microlocators from recons and drones from tacklers can be attracted, but u kill them easily, on the other side, u cant grab any player.


Hope this will be changed in the future!

We’re working on this already. Will be fixed in the nearest HotFix :012j:

Lol it doesn’t even look like you did that much. 25% would still make it worthless unless you increased the duration of the drag effect. Otherwise this change wouldn’t effect anything really.

See the [Star Conflict 1.3.7 Update #1 :](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/30579-star-conflict-137-update-1/#entry366852)

“Increased projectile speed and traction strength by 25% for ‘Harpoon’ Launcher”