Happy friday the 13th!

Write all your bad luck of the day here :smiley:

-I got school so can’t play until late afternoon D:

Only had time to read my media law notes on the train while I commuted to school. Realized only during the lecture quiz that I read the wrong chapter.

I arrived early, traffic was great.


There was a coffee on my desk on arrival, made by an eager minion.


A huge project which is causing quite the stress is nearing completion - my code implementations made last night seem to work perfectly.


I managed to do some severe damage control last night corporation wise, though not without a huge effort and some personal sacrifice. (The last patches/current situation are not being kind to us…)


We send our death-squads to tier-2 last night to make a point, and made it rather hard at the expense of many others. (I apologise to anyone affected as we did cause severe grief, but this seems the only way to drive our points home…)


I realised once again I have fantastic friends.


It’s nearly weekend and I think it will be a pretty enjoyable one, filled with spending time with a few people I care a lot about.


Hm. Friday the 13th? COME AT ME, BRO.

You did all those things last night, I’m talking about today :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s my brother’s birthday. Sooo, nothing wrong… except i still have to learn for the last batch of exams next week xd

Battery on cellphone died overnight, so no alarm clock for me!


Woke up about 20mins late, rush to gtfo to work, realise I forgot lunch at home, on the table. That’s gonna smell funky when I return.


Almost crashed on the way to work, still managed to get to work with time to spare.




So that’s my day, so far, it’s been rather quiet.

Drive safe. We don’t have collision compensators in real life. This comes from someone who can drive a tank, btw.

You did all those things last night, I’m talking about today :stuck_out_tongue:

2 things yes - but technically it was already “today”.


There was a coffee on my desk on arrival, made by an eager minion.




It was partially for their own benefit. Grumpy morning Evil is not a pleasant sight.

One does not simply converse with Evil before it had its first coffee.

I am missing the point, what makes this friday any different from all other fridays?

You know, superstisions…



That kind of stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

(sarcastic manner ofc)

You know, superstisions…


Oh so this what that movie was refering too…

Well, stuff did happen (not to me luckily)… Just watched the news and one of the biggest floods in a long time wiped 1-2 counties today in my country + tornado which was supposed to be an impossible thing to happen in this part of the world…

That sounds terrible.


In Vienna it’s the first real autumn cold rainy day today, summer ended here yesterday.

And Friday the 13th is history as of three hours and eight minutes ago. 


For me, at least. And Kine.