Halo Launcher Rank 11 - Mark 5 is missing in the Workshop!

Bug  report:


Go check the Workshop in hangar: Coilgun 11 - Mark 5 is present, Meson Cannon 11 - Mark 5 is present, Halo Launcher 11 - Mark 5 is missing!







2017.01.05 16.39.00.zip


Other related bugs:


Bug 2:

Missing Mark 5 variants of Rank 14 and Rank 15 - Coilgun, Meson Cannon, Halo Launcher.

Bug ID tag:


Bug 3:

Neodium plate cost is 10 times higher than it should be. 50 neodium plates should be only 5 neodium plates, because now it costs more than 1 Tier 3 destroyer to just upgrade a weapon to Mark 5.

Bug ID tag:


I’m might be super wrong but there wasn’t a mk5 Halo launcher ever.


Why would it be.

That might be possible, because, as some of you might know halo launcher 11 was introduced after r 11 destroyers came out, so i guess they just missed putting in the mark 5 halo for rank 11. I also just noticed that there is no mk 5 option for any rank 14 or 15 destroyer gun.

On 1/5/2017 at 6:39 PM, GeMichi said:

That might be possible, because, as some of you might know halo launcher 11 was introduced after r 11 destroyers came out, so i guess they just missed putting in the mark 5 halo for rank 11. I also just noticed that there is no mk 5 option for any rank 14 or 15 destroyer gun.

Yes, they missed it. Also, I believe that they made a mistake with Mark 5 costs with Neodium plates. One single weapon should not cost more than 1 T3 Dessy alone!

There are have never been this blueprints in the game

13 hours ago, Skula1975 said:

There are have never been this blueprints in the game

I am not saying that they had been. I am saying that they are missing and that they should be added!

Not should ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

May be added in future