had to escort an enemie transport ...

tell me which log i must put here, if need …





None, it was a neutral transport, you dealt enough damage to it so it considers you hostile, warp out and then back into the sector and watch where you fire.

explosion damage splash can indirectly trigger aggro status

Halo projectiles damage also can trigger aggressor.

8 hours ago, SheenShade said:

tell me which log i must put here, if need …

I didn’t understand what happend


13 hours ago, SheenShade said:

tell me which log i must put here, if need …



Stop being so naughty, my dear, and you will be fine.  ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

i didn’t done damages with halo, and plasma turret didn’t shooted it.

When i spawned to the map, the transport was already here, but far, and was already red with  the blue exclamation mark, as i had to escort it until the gate.

when a came near it, the escort began to shoot at me, but i didn’t shooted it, as i knew the transport would stop.


Must  self destruct and come again.

this time, the transport was blue.

i came near and was many players here to escort it
And one player had he same problem as me, he had also, station protection active, as me; but was shooted by escort. the transport stopped near the gate.

the player finally killed the transport.

Must wait the next.

With next transport, all of us didn’t have problem, except 1 person with same problem. this time, he stayed enough far from transport to not be focus by escort.

And the mission was done.

Can’t tell you more, it’s what it’s happened



naughty ??

ahaha : ) but i’m a nice person, not naughty  : )

Well, then your reputation preceded you. They knew about you long before you entered the sector so that is why they started shooting at you… That must be it. No other explanation.

ahhh, i see… ![:beee:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/beee.gif “:beee:”)

![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)

19 hours ago, SheenShade said:

i didn’t done damages with halo, and plasma turret didn’t shooted it.

When i spawned to the map, the transport was already here, but far, and was already red with  the blue exclamation mark, as i had to escort it until the gate.

when a came near it, the escort began to shoot at me, but i didn’t shooted it, as i knew the transport would stop.

If repeated with you make new screenshot and attach logs
