Guided Torpedo control disconnection in PVP

I lose control of the guided torpedo … this usually occurs in higher ping multiplayer games. The issue is readily apparent if you’ve played any pvp match with ping>60 as a condition and used the guided torpedo.


This is true for any ship I’ve piloted with the guided torpedo as a special mod.


On a second note:

Considering there’s another large thread for the rubberbanding issue, could the devs consider adding lag into the internal testing process so bugs tested in a highly optimized environment can be better detected?

Keep in mind that usage of active module IR-Flares (on enemy), will force you to lose your torpedo control

Keep in mind that usage of active module IR-Flares (on enemy), will force you to lose your torpedo control


I did not know that, I though that was only for missiles. I’ll keep better track of when the control disconnect occurs and report back.

Guided torpedo control was just lost in a PVE match for a t2/t3 mission.


First screenshot of first torpedo fired, control lost:



Second screenshot, second torpedo, captured right after control was lost:


Another thing that could have happen is that you could have gotten into missile shield, plenty of pve bots have this module (looks like green lazer shots from some ship intercepting missiles)

Yeah missile shield will kill your guided torp.

Flares effect fills your torp view with static.

However, there is an issue with the rubberbanding guided Torp mainly when new players join but also during packet loss.

No. The issue that they are experiencing is a glitch. If guided torps are taken down by MS, it will continue flying, just deal no damage on impact and you lose first-person control. The issue is client-side, as this effect is not shown if anyone else does it. I have seen this happen with other missiles too, but it seems most common in guided torpedos.

[How to create bug reports](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/)