[Wrote by mobile, will be edited]
Guys, we all know the holy Reverse Thruster…
Most of you think it’s just broken and cannot be beaten, but i tell you. It can be beaten like any other escape module.
Depending on the pilots skill and his knowledge it can be difficult or impossible.
This guide will show you ways to encountee the RT successfully, but it don’t replace skill or modules.
Of course, anyone is allowed to discuss and give me more ways to encounter the RT that i can add it to the main post.
But good pilots know how to avoid even planned counters. So have to know what you do and it can always end up with an explosion of your own ship.
I will also add team-tactics to encounter 2 or more LRFs.
Counter with Covert Ops
This ship is one of the best ships to defeat the RT, but can also be the worst cause of it’s low durability. Cloak n Dagger is the point here.
Counter 1 - What definitely is needed: Weapons - Any but no weak plasma gun. To counter a tanky LRF a plasma arc could be good. Adaptive Camo. Any multi-function module.
Cloak… Try to fly behind the LrF, directly to the engine. Better would be without afterburners or just slide to the target that he cannot hear your / or see your engine. If you behind the target activate ALL module which help you to deal damage, open fire, everything. If the opponent drops mines u should use a restoration module. Each player, also veterans probably push the RT while being in panic. They stuck on your ship because you block their engine. Give the LRF the rest, and escape.
Counter 2 - ‘The boom factor’ Only recommened against nubs & average players.
Required - Nuke, good damage systems. Good would be a multiphase shield adapter.
It’s like the same as above but you can don’t have to stay behind the target.
Fly to target & start shooting, but not too much. If the opponent jumps before you can drop the nuke it’s already over. Except you have all modules & cloak ready to follow him them. A veteran would kill you anyway. So, start shooting and deal ~20% of the enemy health as damage. If he uses mines activate the shield adapter to deploy the nuke directly or 100m BEHIND the opponent. There is no space for fails, the nuke has to be exactly behind the target.
Start open fire. No mercy. If the opponent turns try to get behind him that he don’t jump anyway.
If he stuck you can kill him easily.
Counter 3 - ‘You can’t run’
Required: Cloak, Orion, Any restoration module if you encounter veterans.
It’s the best counter and can beat any opponent. If you have teammates to support you the opponent is definetely dead. (Except you handle it bad)
As team: Tell your teammates just to start attack the opponent, while this happens you should stay 2500-4000m behind him.
If your teammates are smart enough they will force the LRF to jump instead of dying. If this happens you should cloak instantly and fly to the target (behind within a distance of 1km/200m is the best, a front attack can end with your death) if you encounter veterans your engine should be deactivated and you should just move smooth to the target.
Attack - Open fire, if teammates can follow they should do so.
Really. Don’t stay in the optimum main weapon range or in the line of all 6 turrets of the opponent. This might be dangerous.
Open fire should solve your LRF problems.
I don’t promise success, that’s just tactics and no ‘Kill the LRF ticket’
Also some pilots like me know the most counters and know how to defeat the attacker. But i will defintely don’t show you guys a way how to defeat me!
Counter with Recon (Recommended)
Easiest way to defeat any LRF, especially if they are on low life.
Counter 4 - ‘Micro engine suppressor’
Required - Micro locator, Phase modulator.
Fly into low distance to the LRF, without cloak or warp. If they spotted you, activate the cloak. And move close.
Deploy the micro locator behind them.
Best thing would be a missile spam setup. But mines are also not bad.
Please don’t use plasma gun for this. The dps is tooooo less without good mods.
So very easy. After you deployed the ML start fire and deploying mines. Recovery modules would you help as well.
A smart pilot turns and jumps anyway, if this happens jump away, follow with warp or use Counter 5.
What you should do, should be obvious. Kill the target and avoid to be hitted.
My favourite counter - 5 - ‘Without any mercy’
Ahh this is a very nice ‘counter’ but don’t underestimate the difficulty of this, you need precision and a good health amount, and costs your life. Very nice in Open World to defeat maulers.
So enjoy this nice counter method.
Required: (Recommened)Empire Recon, (Recommened)A good health amount, Precision, No mercy.
Works as the best if the target isn’t moving. So if you fail this don’t blame me. A JR9 implant can break this tactic, but it’s a bad implant in general so hope the opponent don’t use it.
What to do: Jump into the opponent.
A mauler without JR9 implant will definetely not survive the impact.
Counter 6 - ‘Nothing walks away’
Recommended if the target is on low hull.
Usually each player, even the stupid ones would get this idea. But i will post it here to be sure.
Plan A- Opponent escapes. Follow. Cloak. Drain shield. Kill.
Plan B- If you’re troll, use cloak & Counter 5.
Now we’re finished with the recons.
My grammar is bad, but i just want to help you guys…
I will let out the ‘Follow-counters’ because they should know everyone.
Counter with the glorious ECM
If the victim has no protection he will not survive.
Terrorblade if you read this please post your nice Pulse Laser Dps Screenshot.
I will just show this EcM counter:
Counter 7 - ‘Keyboard breaking’
Be adviced, some player start insulting if you do this.
Required: Ion Diffuser, Stasis, Energy absorver, good thermal resistance, good Dps, Kinetic/EM Missiles (spam is recommended)
Fly to player, best without getting hitted.
Start stunning.
1st - Energy Absorber
Open Fire
2nd - Ion Diffuser
Continue shooting
Stasis in the ending or if smth tries to attack you.
That thing killed me often… Damn ECMs
Counter with Tackler
Don’t worth it against full health veterans.
Good as follow ship on a low life target.
Counter with Command.
Only if the ship accidently jump in your arms, just kill.
Dunno command, tell me them.
Counter with gunship…
Of course they can reach huge speeds if needed and this could mean the end of any LrF…
Just one counter to post.
Counter 8 - ‘PewPewPew FTW’
Required - Engine Overcharge, NO GAUSS, Aiming Obercharge, (Recommended) Combat Reboot, Any recovery module.
Start shooting. Not frontal.
Use combat reboot to compensate damage.
Target jumps or dies.
-> Overdrive & Engine Overcharge
Follow with smart maneuvers.
Continue shooting without dying.
The escape is another thing…
Btw, it took me hours to write this with my phone, bad feedback would make me very sad.
Counter with Guards
Don’t fly guards, tell me them.
Counter with Engineer
Know one good one here. Will kill each damn ship if you’re on an empire one. On a fed one probably too.
Counter 9 - ‘Fat projectile’
Use warpgate into the target.
Problem solved.
The sniper battles jajaja…
Counter with LrF
Coming soon…
Counter with your team & against teams will be listed here.
Coming soon.
Will fit up the main post if i’m on PC again, don’t worry.
Hope for feedback & discussion.
Sincerely, Long Range Pilot OmegaFighter.