GS after battles

Anyone remember back when you got 1-10 GS after a win in PvP? Well- // idea gets shot down by people that for some reason don’t want free stuff like back in the good ol days


It was a good idea. Promoted PvP. Gave ammo money. If players played long enough they got free stuff. It was awesome. Like the 100 GS after 5th day reward. Brilliant.

Anything that promotes PvP over Invasion and PvE is fine by me.

5GS as a medium rare drop in PvP/PvE would be neat. Nothing too high as to deter from GS purchases, but something to reward players who spent long hours in the game as they could pick up maybe 20-30GS per day on it. Those players are already likely to buy DLC and GS sums, so this doesn’t hinder that.


Incentives to keep people on longer (and thus improve long-term population) are almost always a good thing.

Alternatively (or as an addition to this), we could have more events. That’s how Warframe has so many players and has a high player retention - they always have some sort of big event happening that causes a big ruckus in the Warframe universe.

We have events for this from time to time and it is not planned to change it.

Alternatively (or as an addition to this), we could have more events. That’s how Warframe has so many players and has a high player retention - they always have some sort of big event happening that causes a big ruckus in the Warframe universe.

We have events for this from time to time and it is not planned to change it.


And honestly thats why Warframe is where it is and we are where we are. This game is so awesome and has so much potential thrown away. 

well, no sense in making alot of events for a small player base, is there?


Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the effort the devs are putting into events and nice little extras. But as residente said, so much untapped potential, and aparantely gaijinn  doesn’t seem interested.

After 4000 hours spent in the game, I must say that I agree with both of you and everyone else, which thinks the same. There are almost no exceptions, which claim otherwise.

If only Gaijin would know, how this game is unique and how more interesting it could get, and that’s with small changes and additions.

But, in the end, It all comes down to money and personal interests.

Devs need to start listening to us. Every post I see from them is kinda xxxxxxx-ish. 9/10 times it’s 'No, and no plans to". Soon they will learn that WE are the ones that make the game what it is. Without a player base, the game will die. And the player base is dying, this very moment. Every day another pilot on my friend list is letting their account go. The chat is riddled with children talking about f***ing your mom, and xxxx and xxxx jokes, and it annoys some vets so much that they decide to quit the game. The devs need to take some time to get their attitudes in check, and release a statement that lets us know we matter to them, and not just our wallets.

Devs need to start listening to us. Every post I see from them is kinda xxxxxxx-ish. 9/10 times it’s 'No, and no plans to". Soon they will learn that WE are the ones that make the game what it is. Without a player base, the game will die. And the player base is dying, this very moment. Every day another pilot on my friend list is letting their account go. The chat is riddled with children talking about f***ing your mom, and xxxx and xxxx jokes, and it annoys some vets so much that they decide to quit the game. The devs need to take some time to get their attitudes in check, and release a statement that lets us know we matter to them, and not just our wallets.

More like 99/100.

I and probably the majority of still active vets will agree with this. At least if they aren’t xKosty or Omega.

More like 99/100.

I and probably the majority of still active vets will agree with this. At least if they aren’t xKosty or Omega.

And how do you know that? that is right you don’t, you presuming stuff is what will hurt you in your life a lot and painfully.

Katovskiy, what the hell is your issue?

I dont like ignorant and stupid, i have allergy on that stuff, i get verbal diahrea on encounter.

Kosty will always be like this. There’s no point in making conversation with him as it will never get you anywhere. He tries so hard. He really does.

I dont like ignorant and stupid, i have allergy on that stuff, i get verbal diahrea on encounter.


Try looking in a mirror.

Try looking in a mirror.

Already did, loved it

Katovskiy, what the hell is your issue?

Just ignore him.He’s a typical sadist internet troll with nothing going on in his life therefore he tries to start pointless arguments with people and make them feel the same way to feed his empty soul.

Suggestion is nice but there are other ways of getting free GS and developers wont implement this for that reason.

Just ignore him.He’s a typical sadist internet troll with nothing going on in his life therefore he tries to start pointless arguments with people and make them feel the same way to feed his empty soul.

Don’t worry, one day you will grow up, hopefully.

Don’t worry, one day you will grow up, hopefully.


Already did, loved it


Narcissistic  ☑


Don’t worry, one day you will grow up, hopefully.


Egotistical  ☑ 


Anything else?