Greetings, and a Poll

Hello, I am Harashi Naya, and I probably should have posted this a while ago, since I joined almost a month ago. But greetings all, I’m really enjoying the game, and posted a few questions to see what answers you lot come up with. =P


Welcome to the game and to the forum!


Well I really enjoyed reading [this](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/24849-rp-thread-new-eden/)thread while it was still active.


But there are none active right now.

there is always possibilities to post stories in the [writing section](< base_url >/index.php?/forum/229-writings/), including some works from some people about “world descriptions” you can use as canons.


since i was UO Freeshard player for over 10 yrs., with almost 7 yrs being in a staff of a larger german role play server I have seen how wonderful it can be, if everybody is constantly in-character in-game… but it is a completely different experience, i think in a game like star conflict, best is to do RP via writing stories.


Greetings also to you!