I know I’m beating a dead horse, but I can’t help but hope someone is going to start listening.
When the game first launched, premium items were limited to special ships,loot that matched Mk. III items in terms of quality, and stickers. Oh, and licenses. This was fine, because you had the choice to grind up to an item, or outright pay for it. It was a pure free-to-play game model.
Recently, however, the trend has not been so good. The new loot system is bad. But not just because it continually shows us nice things before breaking them. There is no way to fix the current system without making the game pay to win. If looters who pay cash get 100% at experimental items, they can effectively purchase power. The current system of 30% for paying customers is a complete rip-off, but upping the success chance to 100% would be even worse. In short: the only way to fix the loot system is to go back to the old model.
Also, the latest update brought us another gem. Now when I finish a match I am shown how much loyalty, reputation, and credits I earned. But then right underneath is a very prominent and highlighted display showing what I could have earned, if I’d only bought a premium license. That’s just a slap in the face, pure and simple.
To the developers: Stop trying to guilt us into paying. Make nice things and we will pay. Keep twisting our arm and we will kick you in the nuts. You are showing your true colors, which is that you are a greedy, deaf, elitist corporation that doesn’t care about its players but about their wallets.
Wait so you want gold to up your chances or not? Because at 30% you only got yourself to blame for spending cash on that, its not a game breaker, you simply don’t spend cash on it. The rest of what you said is still true, you are buying more less the same as grinders like me unlock minus premium, standards for loot is just for those guys who use to buy gold ammo to piss away their money in WoT. Its a dump for if you got the money to spend, its 100% optional and most people give up on it after a day of no real difference, it generates like an extra 5 bucks a sucker before they realize its a waste.
Its like calling a fast food chain greedy for offering a 10cent upgrade in drink size…
To the developers: Stop trying to guilt us into paying. Make nice things and we will pay. Keep twisting our arm and we will kick you in the nuts. You are showing your true colors, which is that you are a greedy, deaf, elitist corporation that doesn’t care about its players but about their wallets.
They don’t care about you. They care about your wallet. They are in the business of making money. If you don’t understand that then go to http://www.freewaregames.net. You will see that even there, most of the games have in-game purchases for buffed items or even just equipment that is important to basic gameplay.
It’s how the world economy works, that spending money…
Devs have to eat. Servers cost money to maintain. Deal with it.