Gravi-Lens module triggers Criminal status without Station Protection in an allied group!

Bug report:


When you’re in Open Space and the Leader of the Group, without Station protection in a destroyer that will fire a Gravi-Lens module (black hole).

The pull effect will trigger 30 second Criminal status.

That’s not supposed to happen for people that are in a group or friendlies.


How to replicate this bug:

  • Equip a destroyer of Rank 11 or 14

- Equip Gravi-Lens module on a destroyer

  • Undock at Open Space with Station protection off

  • Someone should join your group with you as the Leader of a group

  • Activate Gravi-Lens module on your ally or friendly ship

  • The pull from Gravi-Lens module will trigger a 30 second Criminal status

  • If you friend dies, status is changed to Aggressor - 300 seconds


Logs: (Check for the issue in Open Space, Federation sector - ‘Base Ellydium’ time stamp: 13:26:30+) 

[2017.06.28](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=14730)




9 hours ago, Koromac said:

  • The pull from Gravi-Lens module will trigger a 30 second  Agressor status

  • If you friend dies, status is changed to Criminal - 300 seconds

![:012j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/012j.png “:012j:”)