Got Thar'kthed ?

Is the Karud (Jericho, Interceptor:ECM) a Tharga killer?

8 minutes ago, Spongejohn said:

When you can one shot an r15 sp 'ceptor that have 250 raw resistance and a shield volume buff… and on top of that the adaptive shield (who now works only on shield, and apart that only thing that saves you from oneshot atm is EB…), I would start to think that there is something wrong, am I right or no?

wth is raw resistance? What is not raw resistance? Is it BBQ baked or something? and wth is shield volume buff? there is no such buff in the game, is there?

9 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

wth is raw resistance? What is not raw resistance? Is it BBQ baked or something? and wth is shield volume buff? there is no such buff in the game, is there?

“raw” means resistance value without adaptive shield (2 kin res + shield volume module) on a peregrine. One shot from tharga triggered the Eb. I’m not a complete idiot… I’ve tested stuffs more then once.

I’ve also tryed with 2 kin resistences + adaptive but it’s not that easy to keep adaptives on when fighting a tharga and btw  around 100 res and a volume buff is more effective then 300 res as you teaches me.

(not counting 9-1)

2x Kinetic + Volume = 206, not 250 resistance

2x Kinetic + Adaptive = 250 resistances

P.S. resistance is resistance, term “raw resistance” is only something you would understand, and buff means exactly that a buff, or an aura, buffer is buffer, buffer is not buff, again, if you are going to talk to us, dumb people, please use our dumb people terms.



On 26/1/2017 at 0:56 AM, xKostyan said:

(not counting 9-1)

2x Kinetic + Volume = 206, not 250 resistance

2x Kinetic + Adaptive = 250 resistances

P.S. resistance is resistance, term “raw resistance” is only something you would understand, and buff means exactly that a buff, or an aura, buffer is buffer, buffer is not buff, again, if you are going to talk to us, dumb people, please use our dumb people terms.


Sorry but, to me “raw resistance”, always been the base value plus resistance modules_ without_ “buffs” (like adaptive or boosters which are not available all the time, since for example you could get slowed down. So yeah, to me adaptive in t5 is “situational”, so it is for me “a buff”)

Btw it was not 250 but 215, I miscalculated the value since I was thinking about grey falcon that can reach 250 (tnx to the rank bonus), but without the auxiliary shield. And, tbh I would never makes a build likes that.

This fit it’s only made to counter milf’s/eugen thar’ga and one/two shots (depending on the crit, but that would not change anything since on a more “general purpose” fit a single shot will be even more devastating) do triggers the EB. I know that hull resistance is futile, since I usually use the passive hull for energy an…- oh wth that’s not my normal fit. If you want to check it, it’s the third screeny


18lks9.jpg noa6a1.jpgI had to edit this since my third screenie was not the one I’ve uploaded at all… tinypic failed me :expressionless:

SP ships have to comprimise certain stats to be powerful at certain things. You want damage? Fine, get 3 CPU and 3 cap. But then you’ll be left with only 3 slots for tank, energy and manouverability. A 9 slot cap balances DPS builds. The Thar’Ga on the other hand? There is no limitation on that. You shouldnt have a ship, that is simply superior at every single stat. Just imagine, how balanced for example a 2/2/3/3/3 Saw One would be? Infinite energy, decent tank and speed and still room for a sh*itton of damage. This system is just stupid.

I haven’t been on much since the release of the TharGah, and only recently wondered why Rank 15 pvp was dead a lot, just found out why. What is this anyway? I understand it’s players that have the skill behind a ship and i respect the players, but a gunship with the agility of a interceptor and 1 shot cannons? And they got buffed apparently too? How is balancing Destroyers with a ship even more powerful than destroyers balance?




Why the hell players only talk about “Mill/Engen thar ga” when I do as good as them everyday in t5  ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)


Anyway, a Thar Kth crit under alien intuition can reach 28/30k depending on the build. 

With your build you have 23k survivability against kinetic. 

Do the maths.



On the other hand, a Singularity Cannon and a Phaser Flux would one shot you too on a Thar Ga.