

i just want to mention the points why i left this game!


they are simply OP, a t4 destroyer against you means you can’t fly normal because of gravity and black hole.

destroyers decide a game, other ship classes become unimportant.

Don’t know what to say. Was nice to see you in-game and knowing that you found out me in YouTube. I hope when the game gets better you come back.


I love playing destroyers, but I do see and feel bad for others that it’s the “game decider”


I just love using the heavy classes in any game I play,  but oh well.

Heavy was guard…


It’s kinda ironic, because destroyers were what we were expecting of dreadnoughts! Big pilotable ships with turrets and special modules. However we wanted them to be exclusive and only pilotable in certain modes like sector conquest, or as captain in combat recon. Now people just spam them all over the place and even the noobiest of Aces has one and can do well in it.


Goodbye, and may your guns never go rusty!  :012j:


i just want to mention the points why i left this game!


they are simply OP, a t4 destroyer against you means you can’t fly normal because of gravity and black hole.

_ destroyers decide a game, other ship classes become unimportant. _

It’s simple, my corps and other french corp ; we are disappointed to see destroyer in pvp, it’s juste idiot !


We like this ship class but…it spoils the usefulness of the other ships, now it’s juste camper killer. 


All destroyers must have their own pvp part with catches example, that their utilities !


These destroyers destroys the original pvp !


+1 but stay pls




i just want to mention the points why i left this game!


they are simply OP, a t4 destroyer against you means you can’t fly normal because of gravity and black hole.

destroyers decide a game, other ship classes become unimportant.

will miss u chip. don’t blame u for quitting, tbh i’m close myself. pce and happy gaming. 

will miss u chip. don’t blame u for quitting, tbh i’m close myself. pce and happy gaming. 


Thought you already quit like 5 times…?

Thought you already quit like 5 times…?

nope only once. I also specifically listed a qualifier for my return which i did find, USA servers. Just now i’m driven out of US server turf (t4) by dessies. 

Leaving Star Conflict :

I’ll get over you I know I will

I’ll pretend my ship’s not sinking

And I’ll tell myself I’m over you

'Cause I’m the king of wishful thinking

I am the king of wishful thinking

Later :snowgirl: , Brick Conflict it is :00555: