Goodbye Star Conflict

It’s been a great run. To everyone I’ve met playing Star Conflict, there have been some good times in my almost 3 years in this game. But playing the game in the past few weeks has made me realize that it is no longer worth my time to continue in this game. It has finally come to the point where the amount of fun I have in this game is vastly overwhelmed with how pissed/frustrated I get in the game. While I had a lot of good times in this game, I now am to a point that I cannot conceive of a way for this game to improve enough for me to consider playing again.


I won’t delve into all of my reasons for leaving this game, as that would take me hours to write, but basically, I’m leaving for 4 major reasons.


  1. Repeated changes to the game resulting in my fun being greatly diminished. There have been far too many changes (especially recently) that have ruined aspects of this game that I found fun. 


  1. A severe lack of dev action and/or response in crucial game bugs, mechanics flaws, and gameplay issues in general. There have been too many bugs that have been allowed to flourish for far too long. There have also been too many huge game mechanics flaws that never should have been allowed to last that still exist to this day. All of this adds up to a very negative game experience for me.


  1. There has never been an outreach to increase the player base in this game, especially in the US. As all players do, getting good ping makes a game experience vastly better. But due to the low US player base (and low player base in general), it is extremely hard to get games on US servers (it’s probably 1/30 games now, regardless of the time of day). While this game is still fun with high ping, it has gotten to a point where the repeated games on high-ping/loss servers is infuriating. I guess I can also wrap in this component which relates to both this and reason 2: servers. Many people will agree with me that the servers in this game are very sub-par. Connection quality constantly degrades from server-side changes or server location changes, but the devs still say it is a problem on our end.


  1. Repeated changes to prevent teamwork and to restrict team play. For this being a team-based game, the devs sure hate teamwork, and have proved this on far too many accounts. In my opinion, this game was best when there were no squad restrictions. To me, there is zero point in playing a multi-player video game when I can’t play casually with my friends whenever I want to. I cannot name a single other multiplayer game I play in which I can’t play with my friends at any time of day, with minimal restrictions, or no restrictions at all. This is honestly the biggest downfall of this game, and probably the biggest reason for me leaving.


I may check back into the game after several months or a year, depending on what people who remain playing tell me about the changes. While I would love to see this game turn around and become a far better game and reach it’s full potential, I can no longer say that I will care one way or another what will happen to this game.


To everyone I have met in this game, and I am fortunate to say I am now friends with: Cheers! It has been a great run, and thanks for the memories.


DarthDirk, signing off…


P.S. - I’m not disappearing off the face of the Earth. If you wanna talk to me, you can prob find me on the Owl TS.

Bye Dirk, sad to hear that, I thought that we started to improve our communications.

Point 4 is the most important. The only time I actually have fun in the game now is during weekend tournaments.

Spot the difference:

  • My brother started playing Star Conflict. I had no way to fly with him. He quit after two days.

  • I started playing Eve this weekend, was able to fly with my higher level friends. I will keep playing.

Sad to see you go Dirk, but I understand it. Just don’t do what KT and arctic did and come back after a few weeks. You’ll only hurt yourself.


well, that is sad, but i can understand the mystery that is eve atm. especially since you partly also really tried hard to do gamemodes, which i dont even touch out of spite, dirk, for that, great respect.

your diplomatic and social skills of balancing out arguments by coming up with good defense for pro and contra fortunately doesn’t go away for me :slight_smile:

but i will sure hope we can pew pew together further in any new eden.


ad. 4. and doombot - i think this has been repeatedly stated and communicated over the years, and warnings have been cast, what it does to the playerbase, if instead of bigger emphasis on squadding and teamplay, squadding gets removed; or what it will do to the playerbase, if the t3 gauntlet is removed improperly - not motivating people to get into squadding, and keeping rewards out of pvp; and how it will affect game quality. unfortunately, trying to communicate, both ends of the Wurst are important, the progression and accessibility for newcomers, and the retention of old and devout players, seems to be sometimes not heard enough distinctively. Your output is way better, but concerning the input, it may not be entirely on the communication level, since as dirk stated, its also about losing his fun in the game for various reasons. I don’t entirely blame SC, since the effort to mix larger player sums with enabling small and mid team sizes sticking together while being appealing to all possible audiences, is indeed a puzzle in itself, many games still try to solve just parts of that, but, imho its the secret ingredient to get the social stuff right, even more important than getting the game idiot-proof.


It’s a pity, since with the new farm mode for pvp nabs, where they can train teamplay against badly fitted worst-case auto-aim bots, the need for MM to have such strict rules in T4 and T5 for squads becomes obsolete somewhat, and would enable to refurbish the core of the game, and bring squads not only back, but emphasize on them. there are plenty of nice examples, how squads, or autosquadding, can improve players working together creating more interesting gameplay by itself, without the need for perfect balance in each round.


I myself still enjoy pvp, and still enjoy sunday tournaments, the occasional league. Destroyers? I am happy I could even build a frickin Peregrine already. Luckily I do not care much even if I see how pathetic the situation has become.

For the open space and pve i rather join up dirk and watch him suffer in griefer-hell of 33d0h33m, as it is indeed more fun.

Dude! :frowning:

DarthDirk and his brother having exactly the same problems as me and my girlfriend, well look at that.

Queuing with 2 for hours on end only to quit and play something else. Now we’re logging just to get the broker stuff.

I’m personally trying to enjoy the little time since t4 destroyers will be released. When those ships will be everywhere in t5 i also will loose interest.

Meanwhile i hoped i could kick your ars a little more Dirkie. 


Dang. Sorry to see you go…

Dam,  that sucks to see you go.


I don’t blame you though.  I find it really important to see the responses in this thread as I have felt all of them.



I’m personally trying to enjoy the little time since t4 destroyers will be released. When those ships will be everywhere in t5 i also will loose interest.

I couldn’t agree with this statement any more.  I feel the exact same way.  The horror I feel about losing T5.  And you know what I’m going to do.  Play the last refuge this game has in T2.

Which causes new players to go. . . . :

Well I don t have a destroyer so I can t play T3.

Well I m not good enough to play T4 and even if I did the destroyers will get me. (because they are the boogeyman)  (in their current balancing)

So I ll go back to T2. . . . OH xxxx, Adamwest is on.  Oh xxxx more Vet players are in T2 que.



Point 4 is the most important. The only time I actually have fun in the game now is during weekend tournaments.
Spot the difference:

  • My brother started playing Star Conflict. I had no way to fly with him. He quit after two days.

Couldn’t agree more.  I was trying to get my old eve buddy playing this game. Worked on him for weeks telling him all the fun xxxx.  Showing him videos of awesome game play.

He finally did,

I promised him you get past T1 we can play together.  He finally did.

I promised him the games will be fun in T2 and we can play together.  So he finally got to t2 and we did.  No matches 20min wait.

I promised him once he gets in T3 there will be more squads.  So he finally got to T3 and we did.  No matches 20min wait.


I promised him dreads are awesome, but my time zone / time I have to play sucked so bad we couldn’t play dreads.


He promised me he wouldn’t waste another F*cking Second on this.

Sad to see you go Dirk, but I understand it. Just don’t do what KT and arctic did and come back after a few weeks. You’ll only hurt yourself.

lack of US servers was the reason i quit and almost every league battle or battle i have in a squad is US. That’s why i came back. 
