GOLD (GS) pricing in-game

Hi all.


Does anyone know if Gaijin plans on toning down the greed?
I was halfway into buying all of the DLCs when they started to ninja-increase many of the minimum gold prices ingame (dart components 300->1000, any cosmetics 50->500 etc.).
As much as I like the game and those fancy ships, I stopped buying anything after those, and don’t plan on spending one penny more in those conditions. I’ve talked to some people around and most share this approach.

SO. I was wondering if we have any info on the prices future as I’d like to plan my gaming budget.

Thank you for any input on this!

You can win in a few tournaments to get gold. Easy, isn’t it?  ![:002j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002j.png “:002j:”)

9 hours ago, yamao33588 said:

Hi all.


Does anyone know if Gaijin plans on toning down the greed?
I was halfway into buying all of the DLCs when they started to ninja-increase many of the minimum gold prices ingame (dart components 300->1000, any cosmetics 50->500 etc.).
As much as I like the game and those fancy ships, I stopped buying anything after those, and don’t plan on spending one penny more in those conditions. I’ve talked to some people around and most share this approach.

SO. I was wondering if we have any info on the prices future as I’d like to plan my gaming budget.

Thank you for any input on this!


Half a year ago I sold my last Dart Activator for 4.5k GS and people were laughing at me that I should sell it for at least 6k. Wait till the current stock of those parts will sell - they will go up in prices like hell.

Cosmetics - they were single use only and costing up to 200GS or so. Every single time you wanted to paint a ship you had to pay that amount. Then they were for 50GS for sometime and people just got used to it. Then there was introduced resource trading and people started to earn GS in game. 

If you want to spend money on this game - buy DLCs. For items purchasable with GS - earn them in game. If you want to buy prem ships - wait for Victory Day or New Year sales. If you want to get premium license - wait for 90 or 180 day 50% sale. Having 6 months of premium,  some premium ships and all DLCs you will have a blast, not worrying too much about resources or credits. And yes - economy in this game is calculated for long time playing. 

First time to see some nice comments about GS stuff xD

I find it funny that everyone assumed I rage about prices because I can’t afford stuff.

If your attention span allowed you to read more than first sentence maybe you’d write something more substantial. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)


Nevertheless, thank you gentlemen for your input. I’m sure that those advices will help other readers.
I’ll also assume that all this means “we don’t know jack about Gaijin’s pricing strategy” and will allocate my monies accordingly.
To Anthem for starters. I’ll be back to see if anything changed around April probably.

Fly safe!  o7

This game is probably going to last longer than Anthem, or EA for that matter lel

6 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

This game is probably going to last longer than Anthem, or EA for that matter lel


I know, right? Nevertheless with current pricing it will llive without my support.
As for Anthem - I just hope BioWare will follow Bungie example and cut off the cancer before being eaten as so many others. I won’t cry after EA.

14 hours ago, yamao33588 said:

I find it funny that everyone assumed I rage about prices because I can’t afford stuff.

If your attention span allowed you to read more than first sentence maybe you’d write something more substantial. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

If you would read more than first two lines of my answer, you would get more info. 


But if you want more details - sure. 


It’s a free to play game, where the revenue is created mostly from DLC and premium stuff sales. Both of those classes are usually considered expensive, so the majority of income generation comes from discounted sales which occur pretty often. During the time the economy changed, GS in game started to be much easier to get, so number of DLCs started to increase a revenue stream coming from that. 

Cosmetics - I covered that topic already - taunts and portraits got their prices increased, but you still can earn enough GS just from in-game tasks to purchase, so it cannot be considered as a rock-solid revenue stream. Prices of Dart and Gargoyle parts were increased to increase a revenue from respective DLCs, but as I mentioned - that 1k minimum price per part can be easily lowered by mutual agreement between seller and buyer. I was just a little baffled when you mentioned “toning down the greed” when year to year comparison shows that most of the items are easier obtainable and affordable with cosmetics changed from 100-200GS per one-time item to 500GS per permanent unlock. 

That’s my man-in-the-chair analysis ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) 





1 hour ago, yamao33588 said:



Yeah, yeah. I missed your point. Which is…what?