Glitched skins?

This is as much a question as it is a report. The Katana and Katana AE both have had their default skin changed to what is actually a very ugly camo pattern, but the Katana S and other ships included in the same batch of ship fixes have had no noticeable skin changes. Is this a bug? Or is it supposed to be this way?



Looks pretty cool imho

Yeah same, I find it looks good :slight_smile:


The katana doesn’t look too “jericho”-ey, but paint it red and black and it’s good to go!

Reminiscent of SP ship skins. They have little patches of camo that looks really nice.

It seems that someone has forgotten the red paint on that ship. It should be a glitch, otherwise it’s not a Jericho ship.

This is as much a question as it is a report. The Katana and Katana AE both have had their default skin changed to what is actually a very ugly camo pattern, but the Katana S and other ships included in the same batch of ship fixes have had no noticeable skin changes. Is this a bug? Or is it supposed to be this way?

Looks awesome!

“Stronk” got splattered with paint too. It may look cool, but it need to be fixed, because it seems that texture UV maps got stretched and may cause problems later.



Titan coating preset. Notice layout density of wings and on body.





[How to create bug reports](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/)


You still can make a report 




You still can make a report 



hehe you learn quickly XD