Give Command More Oompf

On 4/15/2018 at 3:18 PM, _terrorblade said:

fix its energy debuff not being disabled by ion missiles

i always have the feeling quite a few new / newish abilities do not get disabled by ion missiles, which is kinda unfair

it is pretty hard to time it anyway


On 4/15/2018 at 7:00 PM, Rob40468 said:

Maybe just fix Object and give cov ops less oompf?

agree with this, instead of increasing numbers everywhere, why not bring everything into perspective that increased the need for tank so drasticly


On 4/15/2018 at 7:03 PM, xKostyan said:

First of all quite a few commands can be build to almost do gunship level of dmg

a few strong commands can be built to do the level of damage of a few weak gunships?

i love the arbitrary word “almost”

i am not denying that commands got a lot better overall tho, after all, even wolfpacks play them, so you are of course right that they might not need buffs that drastically.


however, in terms of long range play, i doubt the commands are the kings in the fighter class… and they can be punished pretty easily with stuffs like taikin or fb-co, unlike gunships which now warp or tacklers which camo-heal… so i doubt it would get out of hand that easily.

1 hour ago, g4borg said:

a few strong commands can be built to do the level of damage of a few weak gunships?

i love the arbitrary word “almost”

i am not denying that commands got a lot better overall tho, after all, even wolfpacks play them, so you are of course right that they might not need buffs that drastically.


And by “few weak gunships” you mean every gunship in the game except for Orelus/Stingray/Spark ?

31 minutes ago, xKostyan said:



  • reasonable Command buff together with upcoming Engineer Global Fleet Update

What of this new stuff in → [GFU:Command](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/35452-global-fleet-upgrade/) is to be nerfed/buffed?

1 hour ago, xKostyan said:


yeah the premiums are the strongest. is that so different with commands? but thats more because they can cherry pick nice survival modules

well except orelus and his giant space pibis

in case of pure damage, mjolnir isnt behind, especially if you use a build where the target should not shoot back ^^

in case of access to special modules and playstyle, the joker can compare with the ray in the regen close knuckle fights

in case of general gunships, feds kinda s*ck since adaptive nerf, while emp has damage bonus anyway

and its not like tharga has no damage


not sure about wolfhound

now list those commands which make so much damage.


I don’t understand this crying about gunships. 

Name of ship say it all GUNSHIP.

It should have biggest damage output from all ships except destroyers.


Commands are here to help team with all extra team buffs that they have.

14 minutes ago, GatoGrande said:


I don’t understand this crying about gunships. 

Name of ship say it all GUNSHIP.

It should have biggest damage output from all ships except destroyers.


Commands are here to help team with all extra team buffs that they have.

Nothing against gunships, but from 8km the lrf should have more damage output on target than a gunship

8 hours ago, xKostyan said:

And by “few weak gunships” you mean every gunship in the game except for Orelus/Stingray/Spark ?

So you’re saying a command can deal same dmg as mjolnir/tharga/DE/nukem/achilles/argonaut?


On 15/4/2018 at 10:33 PM, xKostyan said:

First of all quite a few commands can be build to almost do gunship level of dmg

which ones are these (other than loki/saw-one)



I don’t want them dealing the same damage as gunships, either. But it doesn’t make sense to judge commands in general based on loki/saw-one damage.

7 hours ago, avarshina said:

Nothing against gunships, but from 8km the lrf should have more damage output on target than a gunship


OH yes you mean Frigate that can one-shot small ships with positron.

You do know that LRF is only ship that can be invisible and shot+move +regen and jump and still stay invisible.

Noone complains about this how is that?

5 hours ago, _terrorblade said:

So you’re saying a command can deal same dmg as mjolnir/tharga/DE/nukem/achilles/argonaut?



Couple notes

 - Ignored dmg bonus for being locked on target (i think it is 8 or 9%)

 - Ignored R11, R12, R13, R15 implants

 - Ignored rank bonuses, since I have no idea what the values are if any. 

 - Ignored overheat cycles, because to lazy

 - And yeah I noticed DE get Crit capped with Aim buff, but meh





This ^ can only work for mid-range commands (A-rails and Ions), with Bubbles Gunships are much better hands down, thankfully. 

The big thing that is often overlooked is the Ion missiles on commands, especially vs Guards. For example, emergency shield + Pulsar/Signature masking shut down by a single warhead can easily translate into 50 000+ dmg that Guard did not absorb. Or hitting a Diving gunship, turning off its buffs or disabling healing from an Engineer
Plus all the Dmg that is given to the team via AOE buffs.

My point is that Commands have a lot of utility, Some commands, like PromX/Spartacus/Aura can have high dmg with mid-range builds, and Loki/SawOne/Dart can quickly get out of hand with slight survivability buffs aimed at close range. Keep in mind that some of these still have access to Energy Burner which still has more DPS than what Gunships have at close range, and currently “balanced” by not so great capabilities of commands in brawling in current meta.

3 hours ago, xKostyan said:

because to lazy

Blame the coffee !


4 hours ago, xKostyan said:


Couple notes

 - Ignored dmg bonus for being locked on target (i think it is 8 or 9%)

 - Ignored R11, R12, R13, R15 implants

 - Ignored rank bonuses, since I have no idea what the values are if any. 

 - Ignored overheat cycles, because to lazy

 - And yeah I noticed DE get Crit capped with Aim buff, but meh

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This ^ can only work for mid-range commands (A-rails and Ions), with Bubbles Gunships are much better hands down, thankfully. 

The big thing that is often overlooked is the Ion missiles on commands, especially vs Guards. For example, emergency shield + Pulsar/Signature masking shut down by a single warhead can easily translate into 50 000+ dmg that Guard did not absorb. Or hitting a Diving gunship, turning off its buffs or disabling healing from an Engineer
Plus all the Dmg that is given to the team via AOE buffs.

My point is that Commands have a lot of utility, Some commands, like PromX/Spartacus/Aura can have high dmg with mid-range builds, and Loki/SawOne/Dart can quickly get out of hand with slight survivability buffs aimed at close range. Keep in mind that some of these still have access to Energy Burner which still has more DPS than what Gunships have at close range, and currently “balanced” by not so great capabilities of commands in brawling in current meta.

This Gunship still has an effective active module, the command on the other hand has an almost non-existent diffusion shield.


Commands arguably need to use a great portion of their passive slots to make the diff shield worthwhile. Even more so with the high dps weaponry of the meta.


This naturally decreases their potential damage output, manouverability or tank (depending on the ship)


Every other ship’s special module is independent from its passive slot setup. A slight buff to the energy useage of the diff shield will allow for more freedom in terms of build options. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)


Too much of a buff could however result in unkillable saw ones or enen granites with infinite diff shield active time.


Maybe an option that makes the diff shield less dependant on energy is a better solution?

The Sword S Diffusion Shield for example heals a bit of shields after it has been deactivated. What if that mechanic would be added to every diffusion shield? That would make the diffusion shields usefulness a bit less energy dependant.

On 17.4.2018 at 6:56 PM, g4borg said:

and its not like tharga has no damage


not sure about wolfhound

now list those commands which make so much damage.     [Duality C.G. Jung, S. Kubrick, 1987]


5 hours ago, Scar6 said:

The Sword S Diffusion Shield for example heals a bit of shields after it has been deactivated. What if that mechanic would be added to every diffusion shield? That would make the diffusion shields usefulness a bit less energy dependant.

Ore restore energy like one of the saw-one mods

6 hours ago, Scar6 said:

This Gunship still has an effective active module, the command on the other hand has an almost non-existent diffusion shield.


Commands arguably need to use a great portion of their passive slots to make the diff shield worthwhile. Even more so with the high dps weaponry of the meta.


This naturally decreases their potential damage output, manouverability or tank (depending on the ship)


Every other ship’s special module is independent from its passive slot setup. A slight buff to the energy useage of the diff shield will allow for more freedom in terms of build options. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)


Too much of a buff could however result in unkillable saw ones or enen granites with infinite diff shield active time.


Maybe an option that makes the diff shield less dependant on energy is a better solution?

I fail to see how this is a non-existent diffusion shield, plus you can always swap out emergency barrier for another voltage regulator. 


Non-existant diffusion shield is something you have on Loki and Excalibur unless you are trying to face tank dmg like a guard. Diffusion shield is more of a dmg mitigation tool, especially useful absorbing big alfa chunks of dmg (even if you have 1% of energy left and diffusion shield up, it will absorb full dmg, of big alfas like EM torp or Photon torpedo)

Once destroyed, the diffusion shield could act as a flash grenade and minor EMP to disorient attackers. Those not targeting the command would simply see the explosion like a tactical nuke. Those targeting the command would receive a brighter light and targeting systems would reset. 


In my opinion, the diffusion shield is fine as it is. As an example, mine can face tank damage from an overdriven gunship and a frigate. It can absorb alpha strikes and still keep going.

Maybe just buff command modules?

-Aegis: reduce cd. Shield siphoning effects are weaker by 30% for active duration.
-Coating Polarizer: reduce cd. Damage module effects are weaker against hulls by 30% for active duration

-Valkyrie: passive 10%. On active, also increase critical damage by 15-20%
-Gravi-scanner: active also increase maneuverability.
-Shield havoc: restores allies shields or give 5s temporary shield proportional to shields burned by module.

-Diffusion shield: when effect ends and its still energy remaining, it makes 1km burst like gunships particle purge. Enemies takes damage, allies restores energy. Energy regen is increased for few sec.


New passive: Shielded capacitors - increase capacitor volume. Blocks energy burning, siphoning and regeneration blocking effects for 10s, with cd of 30s. (If not OP, it may apply to allies in 2.5km range)

Leave damage dealing to ‘buffships’ like Loki, Dart or Excal. Make the rest better supporters.

1 hour ago, Rob40468 said:

Maybe just buff command modules?

-Aegis: reduce cd. Shield siphoning effects are weaker by 30% for active duration.
-Coating Polarizer: reduce cd. Damage module effects are weaker against hulls by 30% for active duration

-Valkyrie: passive 10%. On active, also increase critical damage by 15-20%
-Gravi-scanner: active also increase maneuverability.
-Shield havoc: restores allies shields or give 5s temporary shield proportional to shields burned by module.

-Diffusion shield: when effect ends and its still energy remaining, it makes 1km burst like gunships particle purge. Enemies takes damage, allies restores energy. Energy regen is increased for few sec.


New passive: Shielded capacitors - increase capacitor volume. Blocks energy burning, siphoning and regeneration blocking effects for 10s, with cd of 30s. (If not OP, it may apply to allies in 2.5km range)

Leave damage dealing to ‘buffships’ like Loki, Dart or Excal. Make the rest better supporters.

I like those +1 ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

2 hours ago, Rob40468 said:

-Valkyrie: passive 10%. On active, also increase critical damage by 15-20%

passive maybe but extra crit dmg will make gauss too strong