[GIMMICK] Fox's guide to becoming alien pro

This will be a simple yet MLG 10-step uide to becoming a true alien fanatic. Please stay seated while the process is conveyed…

STEP ONE: Buy the Nodachi Tier 4 Jericho ECM ship.

STEP TWO: Equip Invasion colour scheme.

STEP THREE: Equip System Hack.

STEP FOUR: Upgrade System Hack.

STEP FIVE: Upgrade System Hack.

STEP SIX: Upgrade System Hack.

STEP SEVEN: Undock in to Open Space.

STEP EIGHT: Locate a Hunter that has 8474729 Alien Drones out.

STEP NINE: Use System Hack to capture all of them.


Wait… Does this actually work?

Yes actually. Xp

Might just have to get my ECM to level now

Mother of god…

STEP EIGHT: Locate a Hunter that has 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, Alien Drones out.



Also, don’t forget predators

Took you some time to figure this out… :smiley:

inb4 Skula: issue #14959 will hotfix soon

inb4 Skula: issue #14959 will hotfix soon


No no, it’s not an issue :slight_smile:

What annoys me about all this though is that in the grand scheme of things,hunters are drones too but you can’t hack them.


Fix incomming :smiley:

It’s not a bug, since the System Hack is supposed to be able to hack drones, those Alien Drones are Drones (Obviously), so they are supposed to be hackable.

but it doesnt work on defiler :frowning:

Also doesn’t work on stationary turrets in any PvE.


This is the bug. Not the alien drones thing.

Also doesn’t work on stationary turrets in any PvE.


This is the bug. Not the alien drones thing.

that would be intentional.

imagine taking down the missile turrets in base ellydium with a team of ECMs just hacking them to death.

Or the missile turrets of Captured Dread being hacked then destroyed by a solo ECM while the rest of the team was wasting time shooting it to all hell.

Where are aliens that still have 3469034856 drones? I thought they already fixed it ;p

Where are aliens that still have 3469034856 drones? I thought they already fixed it ;p

The elite hunter in that one alien sector has bunches upon bunches and flies with other hunters that have four each