Giant battle: CDF vs GoD,SCORP,VIP

We had the best battle ever in open space, it’s an hour long video, but it’s insane at some points.

Can you do a condensed version, I mean I don’t mind spending an hour watching that epic battle over again, but still, a bestof would be nice! :smiley:


We had to employ mercenaries from VIP and SCORP to take that guardball down, we didn’t have enough firepower otherwise.  Especially with them being invisible ^^ Nice tactic! We tessted it before in Invasion and had planned to use it against WPK and RAGE with the three-way battle a couple of month ago, but we never got round to using properly. You guys confirmed it works ^^


I don’t know who won in the end, but hey it was EPIC, so who cares!! GG  :012j:


(and no, I’m not Russian lol)


Whoever it was that insulted my Octopus, almost saying it was squishy… :open_mouth:   I will find you, and I will… strangle you with my tentactles.  Also it was very mean of you all, focussing me like that… XD


Love at 37:55 when TESLA rams that poor guy with no hull left!

Nice! It looks like fun, maybe next time we join with some GMs:)

That’s some EVE grade battle right there. I’d rather see more like that and less like unbalanced grindy PvP matches.

Can you do a condensed version

Sure, once I get a editing software, I will.

nice battle guys glad to be a part of that one

Had some good fun there last night.We got to get more action like this in this game like we had last night…

Sure, once I get a editing software, I will.

i’ll wing by and talk shop about the software i use,most are free,but i think i can point you to some free software that will help with your editing needs…

Nice battle. Watched it, liked it. TeamSpeak makes the game much more fun for sure. 

Nice battle. Watched it, liked it. TeamSpeak makes the game much more fun for sure. 


That’s certain!  Without TS and good corpmates, there would have been no way I am so addicted to this game right now ^^

This was such a fun battle!  I got to put my spark to good use and get 36 guard kills XD.  We defiantly need to do stuff like this more often.  We could organize wing battles in sec con as well! 

Nice! It looks like fun, maybe next time we join with some GMs:)


Would be nice  :00999:

Didn’t watch the entire thing.


Great idea, but it seams you just face palm to the recon Locator spydrone scatter gun combo.


Did not one counter with this?

Awesome! I should really stop by in one of those battles.


Also, what were you doing in my barter? 

well from the results of the battle, barter is no longer your’s

Also, what were you doing in my barter? 


Go away!  Barter Zone is now CDF and GoD’s battleground.  Any RadiX that comes to disturb our fights will have 10 invisible CDF guards, and various other ships from GoD to deal with!


(a three way battle like we had with WPK and R4GE would be nice though :smiley: )

Didn’t watch the entire thing.


Great idea, but it seams you just face palm to the recon Locator spydrone scatter gun combo.


Did not one counter with this?


During the whole battle, we didn’t manage to determine whether the microlocator actually helped against spectre field.  I mean it seemed to stop some guards from going invisible, but not all of them.  i think some testing is required before our next battle :wink:

Nice! It looks like fun, maybe next time we join with some GMs:)


Are you sure there are enough of you…?   :fed_cool:   

Some of the guards out of the range of the locator? Otherwise would be a bug if it wasn’t working…

Some of the guards out of the range of the locator? Otherwise would be a bug if it wasn’t working…

Apparently the microlocator only works for pilots the recon has agressed or been agressed by. We think that’s why it did not work on certain guards.