Getting matched against rank 11-13 with rank 6-8 ships

oh you, ofc, you are an old veteran, can’t compare : )

4 hours ago, SheenShade said:


hi, oh you mean that the MM is: “1-5” / 7-10 /

                                                                  9-13 /

                                                                     12 -15 ??

                                                           and soon :14 - 17 ? or 12 - 17 ?


will probably be:






I honestly think match maker is gonna treat r 16 + 17 just like r 15… because in the end there is no difference (except for a few new modules and looking fancy)

ok, don’t want see a r5 player against r 10 player… with difference of passives modules

23 hours ago, SheenShade said:

ok, don’t want see a r5 player against r 10 player… with difference of passives modules


Me too, i still support the old tier systhem:






yes… seem it was too complicate …:isn’t it ? ![o_O](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007.png “o_O”)

On 28/01/2018 at 7:02 AM, Flash0914 said:


Me too, i still support the old tier systhem:






Imho that system was terrible

18 hours ago, xKostyan said:

Imho that system was terrible

Maybe it was bad…but still better than the current systhem.

to summ up:

On 26.1.2018 at 6:09 PM, SheenShade said:

hi, oh you mean that the MM is: “1-5” / 7-10 /

                                                                  9-13 /

                                                                     12 -15 ??

                                                           and soon :14 - 17 ? or 12 - 17 ?


On 26.1.2018 at 11:02 PM, Flash0914 said:

will probably be:





I honestly think match maker is gonna treat r 16 + 17 just like r 15… because in the end there is no difference (except for a few new modules and looking fancy)


On 28.1.2018 at 1:02 PM, Flash0914 said:

Me too, i still support the old tier systhem:







19 hours ago, xKostyan said:

Imho that system was terrible

that system was too complicated

we’ll get a homogenized caste/class system for ship ranks

and we’ll get a decoupled skill rank system for players:

“Mercenaries” will be the lowest rank … ![:B10:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/B10.png “:B10:”)

2 hours ago, Flash0914 said:

Maybe it was bad…but still better than the current systhem.

How so? In the old system, you had dominant power spikes at the top of the tier, and the difference in power within ships even within the same tier was much-much bigger than what we have now. 

7 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

How so? In the old system, you had dominant power spikes at the top of the tier, and the difference in power within ships even within the same tier was much-much bigger than what we have now. 


Well in those narrow ranks you had the r 3,6,9,12,15 spikes, but what is important to me, all ships could roughly use the same passive modifiers and there was no way going up with a r 12 ship against one, not even able to use the most basic things like galvanaized armor, iridium heatsink or adaptive shield. Also power spikes still exists, even thou they are a bit inconsistent now you can expect to be the strongest in most of your battles with r 10 and r 12. Also the difference between the middle rank and highest rank in a tier was minimal. Still i have to agree being the lowest rank was kind of a pain back then, but you could also just choose to move a tier down and be top rank again.

On 28.1.2018 at 1:02 PM, Flash0914 said:

…the old tier systhem:






… is too complex to get balanced in regard to fluctuationg player base in regard to the matchmaking routines.

The concept that inside a tier, ships get gradually better ship stats just serves the “collect them all” pokemon attitude of the old ship tree.

A decoupled rank-system of player skill ranks on the one hand and few distinct ship tiers (like beginner, advanced, custom/specialized) on the other hand  will be the way to go – to make balancing less complex and complicated in the future, imho.


35 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

How so? In the old system, you had dominant power spikes at the top of the tier, and the difference in power within ships even within the same tier was much-much bigger than what we have now. 

Yes - what you want is basically : separate the bloody newbees from the advanced players but stick all the othet into the same match-making pool of players  - maybe separate the pros out and give them leagues etc…

My suggestion to get better matches is to slot within 3 ranks and not further.

Not sure what happened but I’ve been seeing a lot of R7-9 in rank 15 matches

9 hours ago, _terrorblade said:

Not sure what happened but I’ve been seeing a lot of R7-9 in rank 15 matches


I’ve been grinding out synergy on my rank 9 and under ships the past couple weeks and several times I’ve ended up in a match where the other team includes rank 15s, and I’ve been seeing as low as rank 5 in matches with rank 15s. Maybe less people are playing and the matchmaker is going into meltdown because it can’t figure out how to deal with it? One of those messed up matches I checked the teams while waiting to respawn and the dude with the rank 5 ship had 2 rank 5s and a rank 7, didn’t even have a full roster of 4 ships.

But like. I still love how basically any low rank ship can still demolish destroyers even R14.

Recently got in to an R15 match with my R8 ships and easily wiped the floor with their destroyers.


Taikins are still OP in any rank tho.

what is a destroyer ? i wonder… ![:018:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/018.gif “:018:”)

12 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

But like. I still love how basically any low rank ship can still demolish destroyers even R14.

Recently got in to an R15 match with my R8 ships and easily wiped the floor with their destroyers.


Taikins are still OP in any rank tho.


Yeah…Taikin are ridiculous or hilarious depending on if it’s you or the other guy flying it. Between jump crystals, tele sphere, camo shield, and holo crystal they’re pretty much the ultimate troll ships. Throw on tai’al and they don’t even have to be facing their target to hit, add a couple horizon modules and they can do it from 5km away.


13 minutes ago, SheenShade said:

what is a destroyer ? i wonder… ![:018:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/018.gif “:018:”)


Destroyers, AKA free kills for fighters and interceptors, target practice for everything else.

yes : (