Get back the old anomaly generator

Hello dev’s,

Small request here, si ce the new systeme of the ag my current ammount of succefull attack and team helping as grew down a lot ( realy a lot) even for the ammout of kill in a pvp who was arround 5-6 befors grew down to 2-3. The guard have already recive a lot of nerf witch make it a easy kill for anyone but now if even he’s special weapon get nerfed that way too much, so please get it back, thx.


Hard to understand but I get the gist.

I, too, liked the old anomaly much better. Guards are one of the weakest classes now because of the constant nerfs they receive, and that’s just wrong.

Remember when you used to only get 2 charges, it took the same amount of time to charge up as new one , and reloading was slow?

I personally approve “buff guards in general”, since destroyers they’ve been quite meh.

Also I do think that recon needs some tweaks as well in order to keep up with their system and the other ships.

1 hour ago, OmegaFighter said:

I personally approve “buff guards in general”, since destroyers they’ve been quite meh.

Also I do think that recon needs some tweaks as well in order to keep up with their system and the other ships.

Yup true


3 hours ago, RennieAshII said:

Remember when you used to only get 2 charges, it took the same amount of time to charge up as new one , and reloading was slow?

The 3 charge was perfect ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

I like 5 charges more, gives you more opportunities to use it, still much better than “old times” and overall has great total dmg per cassette 

The new cooldown has been halved,with my AG spam Inq S build it reloads in 3 seconds,of which 1.5 are spent firing it,so pretty much a 1.5 sec cooldown between the charges,get the 10% bonus dmg from 4a and you are good to go,maybe even solo the cruiser on T5 with it,didnt really try it out yet.

5 allows for when you  miss which is fairly often, and allows for more “don’t sit still or you will get anomally to the face” area denial.

On 7/15/2016 at 7:32 AM, OmegaFighter said:

I personally approve “buff guards in general”, since destroyers they’ve been quite meh.

Also I do think that recon needs some tweaks as well in order to keep up with their system and the other ships.

Only 1 active Pulsar is allowed for Guards now. I think that Guards should at least get back their ability, that Pulsars can stack. If the Aliens in Open Space can do it, why not Guards? About anomaly generator. It’s easier to dodge now, but you can still get screwed, if you don’t maneuver fast or out of the way. Discussing Anomaly weapon is relative.

It’s not broken or nerfed imo, but before it was very hard to dodge it, impossible with the Empire Destroyer.

Yea that too, guard realy need a buff

I like the thing they did with the palom, set the pulsar as a armor module, they should do this to every guard, but the anomaly nerf was totaly not needed… cmon it’s a freakin ANOMALY it have to be powerfull :confused: