Genial Guard Buff ..

The recent [patch 1.4.1](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/32889-star-conflict-141/) brought much fun for the guard class.

Here are some specs in relation to the Guard ship class:

  • All guard ships are now able to restore hull, if they are not in combat
  • And also quickly reach the battlefield with proper use of the special module
  • Special modules now further increases ship speed on activation
  • The new Proximity Mortar weapons are great and powerful, with explosive projectiles that explode on contact.
  • The passive module (CPU) Gun Adapter increases the main weapon’s damage depending on the number of enemies in 2000m perimeter
  • Pulsar active guard module: increases resistance to all damage on activation
  • Emergency Shield Boost active guard module: reduced cooldown (55%) and ship recovers energy in proportion to the number of opponents in the vicinity
  • Mass Propulsion Inhibitor active guard module:  reduced by 24%cooldown and power consumption reduced by 45%
  • Signature masking active guard module: reduction of enemy weapon damage, only has one-time energy consumption
  • Spectre field active guard module: 35 sec reduced recharge time to 35 sec, shield and hull resistance incre (40%), extended range (2000m)

It’s imho a genial patch, it make real fun to play the guards now.The guard can be positioned by its speed gain of 75% for 5s to fight/retreat position more flexible and the weapon is very fun, its like a blueball for guards.


I hope that such a patch will come for engineers also, because they will further be inferior to guards and other classes now and will stay at [low engineer count](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/32075-low-engineer-count/#comment-389695)


Wt…  the required amount of voucher is way too damn high ![o_O](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007.png “o_O”) this is not a destroyer gun the heck I don’t get it this time…

Btw do you have to build the gun or you can just buy it?

buy only

If i understood the patch notes correctly, the broker will give a mission in the next few days to earn the container?

That It’s a GS thing kind of sucks, wish those modules were standard. (CPU Mod. and Gun)

The Buffs are significant, I’m sustaining 600 m/s on my federation guard without using any hull or shield slots for speed. Very nice.

But not sure, if these buffs are too strong.

It does make guards pretty fast, remembering that simply shooting  them makes them slow again ;p They’ll adjust it later I’m sure, but it does mean that guards are no longer those things that are always lagging behind taking half the match to get to the beacon ;p

Funy how the slowest of all frigates, which even have a speed malus, is now the fastest frigate by far. ![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”)

that feeling, when your Guard overtakes other fighters and ceptors on the way to the beacon xD.With command buff fed guard can reach 700 m/s without too much trouble.

1 hour ago, RennieAshII said:

It does make guards pretty fast, remembering that simply shooting  them makes them slow again ;p They’ll adjust it later I’m sure, but it does mean that guards are no longer those things that are always lagging behind taking half the match to get to the beacon ;p

yes, very appreciated, i can fly guard again and be usefull. I can actually fly to active beacon and not head to the third one at match beginning lol. Nonetheless, the buffs might be too strong for federation guards. Then again, Federation is all about speed, my octopus aprox. 550 m/s, so my gut feeling about the buff being too strong might as well be wrong.

Can one compare the two mortars with each other?

There was a screen about the new one, but I don’t know what modification are active so I can only guess:

less cooldown time(indirect better overheatingrate)
less range
a bit more dpm but less dps
less velocity
more spread
bit more explosion radius? or (no) trigger radius?

Vigilant mines explosion effect


That tell 0thing.

What is this madness?! Guards were surely no class that needs a BUFF…

If someone fixes the energy issue that comes for guards with afterburners we’ll have 700m/s frigs even before the alien comes out

Charge Buff!


I would have given liquid metal injector the passive healing - maybe even very low in combat - instead directly on the guard, otherwise excellent.

this way it’s a bit secret… ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

otherwise great news for guards, but 2000GS… rather wait i guess…

4 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Can one compare the two mortars with each other?

There was a screen about the new one, but I don’t know what modification are active so I can only guess:

less cooldown time(indirect better overheatingrate)
less range
a bit more dpm but less dps
less velocity
more spread
bit more explosion radius? or (no) trigger radius?

New mortair has more dmg per shot, same ROF (so higher DPS…btw you cant have more DPS and less DPM xD), same proyectile speed, same overheat time, less range, more spread, 50m extra blast radius.

About the speed bonus, special module now takes a lot of energy (300), which is 1/3 for my patriarch, and since the speed bonus drops over time i cant sustain its max bonus. BTW guards dont have hull regen as stated in patches. Emergency barrier takes a tremendous amount of energy (so you either gotta be near 3-4 enemies or be at max cap and with F12 implant active otherwise the heal will stop) without any real bonus. Spectre field cost is really high as well, almost draining a full cap in a jeri guard…not everything is a buff straight foward…

10 minutes ago, Papitas said:

BTW guards dont have hull regen as stated in patches.

200 hull damage repaired per second after not having taken damage in last 5 seconds or so.

15 minutes ago, Papitas said:

 BTW guards dont have hull regen as stated in patches.

Stop spamming F and you will see it ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

5 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Can one compare the two mortars with each other?..

Mortar Synopsis (base specs)

Name            Coil Mortar        Proximity Mortar
Type                kinetic               kinetic
Level               Mk4                   Mk4        
Range            medium             close
Ship type        frigate (all)        frigate (guard)    
Ranks                  8-12                    8-12
DPS                     395                      649                    dmg/s
Damage (base) 1128                   1557                  dmg    
Crit chance           7                           5                      %
Crit bonus             50                         50                    %
Expl. radius          200                      250                    m
Project. speed     2365                   2350                   m/s    
Range                   3650                   2750                   m
Spread                  1.5                       1.5-3.5                deg    
Overheat/cool       12/4                    12/4                     s                    

  • Coil Mortar description: Railgun with explosive projectiles. Projectiles fire from each weapon barrel in quick succession. The barrel does not fire if it is in the deadzone.                                         
  • Proximity Mortar description: Fires charges, detonating on impact. Shoots from each barrel in sequence. The weapon does not fire if it is in the dead zone.

The guard-specific shield regen module thing did have its cooldown drastically reduced, so not getting the full benefit is not as big of a deal.  One thing I didn’t think to check is whether the range for nearby enemies to provide energy is affected by the guard module range boost some guards have…

The change to the shield module is a big one.
54s(34 + up to 20) is very low.
Feed say thanks a lot to this!
But wasn’t really needed…