Gauss Cannon Viable for Tackler?

I ask as I have been enjoying moderate success with the Gauss cannon but as the role of a Tackler seems to be hunting down Interceptors, would Assault Railguns better choice? I’ve only unlocked the Fox and the first Jericho Tackler.

I ask as I have been enjoying moderate success with the Gauss cannon but as the role of a Tackler seems to be hunting down Interceptors, would Assault Railguns better choice? I’ve only unlocked the Fox and the first Jericho Tackler.

IMO gauss cannon is a better choice (for high rank) since you have a higher projectile speed. And I personally prefer low Rof weapons since I have more time then to aim and wait for the perfect moment where I can destroy the Inty.

I ask as I have been enjoying moderate success with the Gauss cannon but as the role of a Tackler seems to be hunting down Interceptors, would Assault Railguns better choice? I’ve only unlocked the Fox and the first Jericho Tackler.

Gausses are awesome for Tacklers. Equip them with projectile speed ammo + implant

I think that Railguns are more usefull in these low ranks coz

a) more dmg

b) the more speed of the gauss cannon is not needed (IMO)



Gausses are awesome for Tacklers. Equip them with projectile speed ammo + implant

he has only r4; so no speed ammo or implant (and even when he would be able to equip it it wouldn’t be the best coz r4 Inties have low rotation and speed)

Depends on which tackler it is - if you get a module range bonus gauss is awesome, try Silent Fox in the future (goes fine with the previous foxes too). But depending on slot layout and bonuses, you can also use singularity cannon or lasers for example. Use them all to find the one that fits you most. Then do it again on every new tackler to see which suits it best along with your style.

Gausses are awesome for Tacklers. Equip them with projectile speed ammo + implant


You will just tickle ships with that. Projectile speed can stay, but focus on crit damage and chance to do more punch per shoot.

 projectile speed ammo


What is this madness! It’s not worth losing 10% of your damage! Just use crit ammo (or purple damage ammo if you have enough CPU slots to get 30% crit chance)


Gauss is my favourite weapon, and the only one I use on tacklers. It is perfect due to high alpha damage, charge mechanism that increases crit chance, high range, and high projectile speed. Also it is kinetic damage, so perfect for kill stealing, or for finishing off that annoying cov ops that lost it’s shield but refuses to die.

In fact I don’t even know what I was writing there… With my tiger II I use crit ammo, so I can reach kinda 27% critical chance… (81% with charged shot).


To the dude who asked about gauss: use crit ammo (the red ones), not the speed ammo. Try to reach 33% critical chance, but don’t go over it, it’s pretty much a waste of slots. 

That’s better :slight_smile:


Also I wouldn’t even bother with speed implant. 30% crit damage is nicer. The only time I might consider increasing speed is in t5, but I rarely do that anyway. I just get closer to the target before tackle. 2.5k-3k range is good for t5. In t3, using at 3k-4k range is possible._ _In t2, gauss destroys everthing anyway, no matter the range, as long as it’s below max.

Well crit dmg on a charging build gauss is not that much, on a coutrary it is a lot on a firerate gauss crits

Thanks guys! These replies are really helpful. Thanks for putting up with a Ace asking questions like these.

Well crit dmg on a charging build gauss is not that much, on a coutrary it is a lot on a firerate gauss crits


That works best on gunship, not tackler :stuck_out_tongue:  But yeah you are right. Then again it’s nice popping those cov ops with negative kin resist on hull  (looking at you golden eagle), with a 5k+ charged crit! Just have to pay attention to their f8 usage and cloak cooldown, And time the engine suppressor correctly. And hope they don’t have EB - yeah, lots of “ifs”, but when it works its cool. Then that 30% crit damage bonus gives you big numbers and a large amount of satisfaction.

30% crit dmg is about 9% of a total big number on 3x charged crit shot.

30% crit dmg is about 9% of a total big number on 3x charged crit shot.


Ah, you and the maths! :slight_smile:  I do enough maths at uni, cba doing it for a game. But I do like seeing big numbers and 9% is better than nothing!! :smiley:


Ok, so speed implant could be viable, like you say (I did not deny, just said my preference), but I maintain my point that speed ammo is useless.

I totaly agree on speed ammo. And implats wise all 3 are good for their niche

I totaly agree on speed ammo. And implats wise all 3 are good for their niche


What was the third again? I only ever use the traditional 3 1 3 XD

God I’m so conservative, I should go vote for the Tories.

6-1 is base dmg

6-2 crit dmg

6-3 projectile speed

If that is what you asked for, didnt really get your question )

6-1 is base dmg

6-2 crit dmg

6-3 projectile speed

If that is what you asked for, didnt really get your question )


yeah I was just asking about the one we hadn’t mentioned. So, base damage huh. And yeah ignore that bit about 3 1 3, I was talking about the first three implants which have nothing to do with it actually lol. Silly me

(looking at you golden eagle)


