Gargoyle aerography / sticker is only applied to one place

As the title says - the sticker is only applied to one place instead of 2 or more (each on the opposite side of the other sticker)



No need for logs.

This is possibly the best sticker for both the Gargoyle and the Dart. GG.

Theres actually a second place for the sticker: see those 4 (per side) large squares at the sides? the 3rd one (starting from the front) from the right side of the gargoyle is the place where the 2nd sticker is applied. You can even see it from your picture ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

logs needed anyway, anytime

6 hours ago, Papitas said:

Theres actually a second place for the sticker: see those 4 (per side) large squares at the sides? the 3rd one (starting from the front) from the right side of the gargoyle is the place where the 2nd sticker is applied. You can even see it from your picture ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

nevertheless the upper facing sticker is applied only once, at that point, it should have been applied twice, to the opposing side as well.

4 hours ago, Skula1975 said:

logs needed anyway, anytime

Yeah, whatever.


logs. Its either of those


still an issue

It’s intended feature and this topic should be in suggestions.

52 minutes ago, Chernoplot said:

It’s intended feature and this topic should be in suggestions.

Definitely not a feature, other ships have an even number of stickers, it’s been like this sice the beginning. My guess is that something happened in the ship editing software and so now the other preset location for the sticker got deleted or is unusable 

it has been anothert month now and the sticker is still applied only on one side… every time I see that ship it reminds me of it rn. Any news?


btw this issue is present on other ships, I have found it on the ship invincible




That’s because there’s a number on the otherside ;p Also, why is your Gargoyle not 47?

2 hours ago, RennieAshII said:

Also, why is your Gargoyle not 47?

what’s with my gargoyle again…? didn’t get what’s about the number

The Invincible has a number where the other sticker would go.


I think earlier Gargoyles has the number 17 instead of the number 47. The number 47 is more fitting for reasons ;p

2 hours ago, RennieAshII said:

The Invincible has a number where the other sticker would go.


I think earlier Gargoyles has the number 17 instead of the number 47. The number 47 is more fitting for reasons ;p

oh yeah now I see what you mean. They must have changed it, the pic in the OP is old from december 29th so… 

3 hours ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

oh yeah now I see what you mean. They must have changed it, the pic in the OP is old from december 29th so… 

Is position of one of the main guns on the Gargoyle fixed already?


not sure, haven’t checked yet.