Game stop responding

I’ have a problem with game. When i try to jump trough warp gate or sometimes when go in mission (PvP or PvE) game crashes and i received message: “Game launcher.exe is stop responding!” then i can only close game and if i’ in open space with full cargo in ship i’ loose all cargo. This problem starting when is cargo drone in station New Eden space near warp gate to Control post disappeared and on them place now is some container what nobody can’t pickup and this container is not marked like item. I attached my log files and screenshots (in zip file) [DxDiag.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10567)[game](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10568)of this container and DxDiag file. Please resolve this problem because is not fun play game and expect to game is crashed any time and risk to loose all cargo in ship.



If repeated, please, make and post screenshot with error message and attach game.log file

i’ attached all my games log in zip file on my post above. And what with dmp files? Can i delete this dmp files or must keep it?

Can i delete this dmp files or must keep it?

You can delete it after post name of .dmp file

How i can attach dmp files to post? I’m not see option for attach files to post.

How i can attach dmp files to post? I’m not see option for attach files to post.

.dmp file don’t needed. His file name needed only.

Here is filenames of dmp files: game2016-02-02(17-56-35).dmp, game2016-02-03(20-37-12).dmp, game2016-02-04(12-31-56).dmp, game2016-02-05(18-34-28).dmp, game2016-02-06(18-24-26).dmp, game2016-02-07(14-50-46).dmp, game2016-02-07(19-07-50).dmp, game2016-02-08(20-15-14).dmp, game2016-02-09(19-44-10).dmp, game2016-02-10(12-18-34).dmp, game2016-02-11(12-29-38).dmp, game2016-02-12(13-32-28).dmp, game2016-02-12(22-51-37).dmp, game2016-02-13(01-07-42).dmp, game2016-02-15(14-36-08).dmp, game2016-02-16(14-28-43).dmp, game2016-02-16(16-32-15).dmp, game2016-02-17(01-03-28).dmp.

It’s very strange. Usually, after game crash, game create dmp file in the Exceptions folder (near logs folder), and dump file name like to 4f0f1f3a-5092-4383-841a-963d3d93bf96.dmp

This dmp files is created in main game folder and with this names. One of this dmp files have 0 kb other have 1 kb.

“This problem starting when is cargo drone in station New Eden space near warp gate to Control post disappeared and on them place now is some container what nobody can’t pickup and this container is not marked like item.”


Try to discover why this cargo drone is missing because game crash is starting after this cargo drone dissapear. You have screenshots in game file in my first post here.

It’s wrong logs

[How to create bug reports](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/)