Game Overhaul Suggestion

First of all, the game looks, feels and plays great. For a beta :wink:

I have played MANY, MANY Betas and online games already released and I believe I have some deep knowledge about what players like and dislike in their games.

I have spent much time reading the forums and gathered some information i deem important and I would like to share my oppinion to both the devs and the players in the beta and to those still waiting for their key :slight_smile:

-The most important thing I would like to see in this game is a persistent world. And by persistent I mean, instead of a lobby where people join a room and hit START GAME when everyone is ready, having an open world, populated by players, where we could actually travel to the different sectors making your ship go faster than 299,792,458 m/s ( the speed of light ^^ ), and during their travels they could encounter a battle and join it by just going there and start PWNING some enemy ships :stuck_out_tongue: Also, and this one is important, letting people travel in lightspeed from anywhere, or using ā€œStar Gatesā€ is still one thing I havenā€™t yet thought about and still havenā€™t come to a conclusion.

-Regarding the economy system, I donā€™t think I can comment on it before talking about the looting system. When a player kills another, there should be a small chance we could win an item, be it a weapon or a module for the shield, but something usefull rather than what we recieve in other games where the loot is essentially junk to sell. As this game is going to focus on PvP, I believe the looting system needs to be very well done, or else, it will be useless and will mean only work for the player and not fun at all. If the weapon you get from a kill is useless to you (lower level or you just donā€™t like it), there should be a broker as in MMORPGs where people could buy items others donā€™t need. This will not only benefit the player, but will also make the game much more deep as many players focus a lot more on trading than fighting others. Also, in the open world I refered previously, I would like to have an option for direct trading, making trading much more easy when you just need to hand over an item to a friend for free.

-I have heard about tournaments in the forums and the devs reacted the way they should. End-game gameplay is just as important as a tutorial for newbies. It will maintain the high level gamers playing and having fun, while making the newbies wanting to play more to level up and join the high ranks and climb up the ladders. Although this is a hard thing to do. This game is supposed to be played with a team, not 1 vs 1. Then how do we know if one player is better than the other? This is where I want to give my oppinion. There SHOULD NOT be tournaments to see the best player, but to evaluate a clan as a team. Rankings should be clan-based, not player-based. And that way, all the players in that clan will be rewarded according to how well they performed within the alliance, but that must be the leader to do. The rewards would be deposited in the clanā€™s warehouse and then distributed how they would see best.

-Now that I mentioned clans, I believe the game should focus A LOT about this part of the game. Personally, I like to lead. Itā€™s just my personality and I believe people like my leadership because I donā€™t take it to extreme levels and still achieve the clanā€™s goals. ( I DO NOT HAVE A CLAN YET :wink: ) With a persistent world, the possibilities are as infinite as the universe itself. Clans could have their own Space Station and customize it as they see fit, be it adding a cargo bay to increase clanā€™s warehouse slots, adding turret defences or building a shuttle bay to increase the member limit. Of course, all these things would require teamwork at its best, as it would require A LOT of resources gained from conquered ā€œsectorsā€ with specific buildings such as mining or research facilities.

I would also like to see different resources rather than having just one resource called " Resources" as we see in many games. Capital Ships, such as the dreadnought, have been announced and personally I am really curious as to how the devs are gonna pull this one off. In a persistent world, Capital Ships would need about 5 minutes to get to max speed, and that means it would take some time to get somewhere. That said I donā€™t believe Capital Ships should be manned by players. Instead, the leader would send coordinates to a specific sector and the CS (Capital Ship) would travel there. Be it through a ā€œStar Gateā€ or not. And players from the clan would be able to use the turrets instead. That would make destroying Capital Ships much harder and also add teamwork withing the clan to operate the CS efficiently.

Onto the topic of Capital Ship destruction. I have seen in the forums, that all the spaceships will not have weak spots and all of them would take the same damage be it in the engine or the cockpit. I agree with this to a certain point. Having Weak Spots on Interceptors would make no sense and be VERY hard to achieve and cause system instability and increase lag. I believe only Capital Ships should have weak spots, such as the life support, shields generators and so on, to increase the teamwork requirements to take a CS down.

When a sector is captured, clans should be able to build an Outpost, similar to their Space Station but without the modules that increase member limit and so on. Outposts should be all about defence and resource output. I would LOVE to have cargo ships, driven by NPCā€™s, carrying the resources to the Space Station but I know that would be A LOT TO ASK xD. Clans should have a well defined hierarchy, and making the leaders define that hierarchy would be the best thing to do. Let the leaders define the ranks and the respective permissions within the clan. Defining ā€œWingsā€ would also be a great idea because that would make the game SO MUCH more interesting, making the leader give orders to the wing leaders and the wing leaders give those orders to the respective Wings. This would prove very useful in combat situations.

-Crafting would be a great addition to this amazing game as well. And I believe it should be performed by Clans only. This would make people take interest in joining a clan, as I believe people donā€™t join clans because they see no benefit in doing so. Personally I like socializing with my members and laughing and all that but some people have no interest in that sort of thing. I donā€™t mean we should FORCE them to join clans but at least they would get a chance to socialize and get to know their team mates. Crafting ā€œingredientsā€ should be gained from both outposts from the clan or from loot in PvP. Crafting would enable the economy to grow into something much more complex and fun. But please, DO NOT MAKE THIS THE BORING PART OF THE GAME! Games like Aion take crafting and gathering to extreme boredom and people are forced to cheat to bypass that boring part of the game. This would also reduce hackers.

-About the ship differences and uniqueness, this is something we all want and will not be accomplished, no matter how many attempts the devs make. We all want different ships, with different colors and shapes, weapon slots, sizes and other things like turrets and cool looks. Imagine 10 000 people are playing the game and every single one of them want a unique ship. Star Trek fans want a round ship with 2 tubes coming from the rear end while Star Wars fans want a Millenium Falcon for example. Can you imagine how many GBs and time would take to create all of those ships? Even if the devs created ship parts and you created your ship, it would take too much time and as we all know, time is money, especially in F2P games such as this one. I am all up for ship differences, letting players paint them how they want, but more than that is just too much to ask. Even all that I already mentioned above in this Topic is too much xD

-I believe there should be more than just 3 types of weapons. Plasma, Chain and Laser is not enough, even with the modules to modify them. Why donā€™t you get some inspiration from sci fi movies and games, such as Star Wars, Mass Effect, Battlestar Galactica, etcā€¦? Iā€™m sure you would enrich the game a lot more doing that. I do not mean stealing their ideas, I mean getting new ideas from the ideas of well successful ideas. I said ā€œideasā€ too many times didnā€™t I? xD

Well, I canā€™t really recall any other things to adress other than the subscription system. I know this game will be F2P. But will it be Pay 2 Win? If this game were to take a turn to that dark path, it would be a BIG letdownā€¦ I know the point of making a game is to get profit from it. There are salaries to pay and so many things to make use of it but do not go to extreme situations where the best ship in the game costs real money and that would be the only way to obtain it. I know many great games that went down that path and arenā€™t making it as well as it should.

Overall, with what I have seen and read, this is gonna be the best space combat MMO in the market. The game is still in development and it will always be, so please, do NOT screw it up on itā€™s early stage :wink:

I have spent 1:30 hours writing this down, and Iā€™m sick, so this is how much I care for this game ^^

I have already posted on the normal forums under suggestions but no Dev has commented yet so iā€™ll post it here as well :slight_smile:

This game(action) with open world (like in EVE) my dream:)

Itā€™s also my dream, lets fight for it :wink:

ditto what the other said, however eve online is very well made i do believe focussing on pvp combat is the way to go. Star Conflict is to date one of the best and most fun pvp combat sims iā€™ve played EVARRR. and for an ex eve player, who got sick and tired of pretty space background and ingame mirc chatting and web browsing it gets tedious, and feels more like a job grinding asteriods because your corp has a quota to make for building this ship or that station. i say grinding pvpers is way more fun, different game modes can also be implemented using the beta as a instant action scenario, and i dont think the devs should ever shelf it once the game launches. think modes similar to capture the flag or goal driven combat where one goal must be taken or defended forcing players to go head on head. i think personally this would be great fun.

but on the flip side i love exploring and letting my inner pirate blow little puny miners to tiny little bits and loot their fat belliesā€¦ muuhaaha makes my toes curl. this in a clan combat scenario in an open wrld would most defenitly make me never log off, evar, promise.

Indeed! Instead of that tedious mining, you only need to capture the sector and upgrade the outpost. All you do is fight and upgrade! :smiley:

Come on people, put your votes on the Poll and give your opinion! :smiley:

I like a open world(or space). Build your status, gain money, trade, piracy, take sectors, alignance, cease fire, declare war, etc.

This will make this game perfect as the pvp currently is.

First of all, the game looks, feels and plays great. For a beta :wink:

I have played MANY, MANY Betas and online games already released and I believe I have some deep knowledge about what players like and dislike in their games.

I have spent much time reading the forums and gathered some information i deem important and I would like to share my oppinion to both the devs and the players in the beta and to those still waiting for their key :slight_smile:

-The most important thing I would like to see in this game is a persistent world. And by persistent I mean, instead of a lobby where people join a room and hit START GAME when everyone is ready, having an open world, populated by players, where we could actually travel to the different sectors making your ship go faster than 299,792,458 m/s ( the speed of light ^^ ), and during their travels they could encounter a battle and join it by just going there and start PWNING some enemy ships :stuck_out_tongue: Also, and this one is important, letting people travel in lightspeed from anywhere, or using ā€œStar Gatesā€ is still one thing I havenā€™t yet thought about and still havenā€™t come to a conclusion.

-Regarding the economy system, I donā€™t think I can comment on it before talking about the looting system. When a player kills another, there should be a small chance we could win an item, be it a weapon or a module for the shield, but something usefull rather than what we recieve in other games where the loot is essentially junk to sell. As this game is going to focus on PvP, I believe the looting system needs to be very well done, or else, it will be useless and will mean only work for the player and not fun at all. If the weapon you get from a kill is useless to you (lower level or you just donā€™t like it), there should be a broker as in MMORPGs where people could buy items others donā€™t need. This will not only benefit the player, but will also make the game much more deep as many players focus a lot more on trading than fighting others. Also, in the open world I refered previously, I would like to have an option for direct trading, making trading much more easy when you just need to hand over an item to a friend for free.

-I have heard about tournaments in the forums and the devs reacted the way they should. End-game gameplay is just as important as a tutorial for newbies. It will maintain the high level gamers playing and having fun, while making the newbies wanting to play more to level up and join the high ranks and climb up the ladders. Although this is a hard thing to do. This game is supposed to be played with a team, not 1 vs 1. Then how do we know if one player is better than the other? This is where I want to give my oppinion. There SHOULD NOT be tournaments to see the best player, but to evaluate a clan as a team. Rankings should be clan-based, not player-based. And that way, all the players in that clan will be rewarded according to how well they performed within the alliance, but that must be the leader to do. The rewards would be deposited in the clanā€™s warehouse and then distributed how they would see best.

-Now that I mentioned clans, I believe the game should focus A LOT about this part of the game. Personally, I like to lead. Itā€™s just my personality and I believe people like my leadership because I donā€™t take it to extreme levels and still achieve the clanā€™s goals. ( I DO NOT HAVE A CLAN YET :wink: ) With a persistent world, the possibilities are as infinite as the universe itself. Clans could have their own Space Station and customize it as they see fit, be it adding a cargo bay to increase clanā€™s warehouse slots, adding turret defences or building a shuttle bay to increase the member limit. Of course, all these things would require teamwork at its best, as it would require A LOT of resources gained from conquered ā€œsectorsā€ with specific buildings such as mining or research facilities.

I would also like to see different resources rather than having just one resource called " Resources" as we see in many games. Capital Ships, such as the dreadnought, have been announced and personally I am really curious as to how the devs are gonna pull this one off. In a persistent world, Capital Ships would need about 5 minutes to get to max speed, and that means it would take some time to get somewhere. That said I donā€™t believe Capital Ships should be manned by players. Instead, the leader would send coordinates to a specific sector and the CS (Capital Ship) would travel there. Be it through a ā€œStar Gateā€ or not. And players from the clan would be able to use the turrets instead. That would make destroying Capital Ships much harder and also add teamwork withing the clan to operate the CS efficiently.

Onto the topic of Capital Ship destruction. I have seen in the forums, that all the spaceships will not have weak spots and all of them would take the same damage be it in the engine or the cockpit. I agree with this to a certain point. Having Weak Spots on Interceptors would make no sense and be VERY hard to achieve and cause system instability and increase lag. I believe only Capital Ships should have weak spots, such as the life support, shields generators and so on, to increase the teamwork requirements to take a CS down.

When a sector is captured, clans should be able to build an Outpost, similar to their Space Station but without the modules that increase member limit and so on. Outposts should be all about defence and resource output. I would LOVE to have cargo ships, driven by NPCā€™s, carrying the resources to the Space Station but I know that would be A LOT TO ASK xD. Clans should have a well defined hierarchy, and making the leaders define that hierarchy would be the best thing to do. Let the leaders define the ranks and the respective permissions within the clan. Defining ā€œWingsā€ would also be a great idea because that would make the game SO MUCH more interesting, making the leader give orders to the wing leaders and the wing leaders give those orders to the respective Wings. This would prove very useful in combat situations.

-Crafting would be a great addition to this amazing game as well. And I believe it should be performed by Clans only. This would make people take interest in joining a clan, as I believe people donā€™t join clans because they see no benefit in doing so. Personally I like socializing with my members and laughing and all that but some people have no interest in that sort of thing. I donā€™t mean we should FORCE them to join clans but at least they would get a chance to socialize and get to know their team mates. Crafting ā€œingredientsā€ should be gained from both outposts from the clan or from loot in PvP. Crafting would enable the economy to grow into something much more complex and fun. But please, DO NOT MAKE THIS THE BORING PART OF THE GAME! Games like Aion take crafting and gathering to extreme boredom and people are forced to cheat to bypass that boring part of the game. This would also reduce hackers.

-About the ship differences and uniqueness, this is something we all want and will not be accomplished, no matter how many attempts the devs make. We all want different ships, with different colors and shapes, weapon slots, sizes and other things like turrets and cool looks. Imagine 10 000 people are playing the game and every single one of them want a unique ship. Star Trek fans want a round ship with 2 tubes coming from the rear end while Star Wars fans want a Millenium Falcon for example. Can you imagine how many GBs and time would take to create all of those ships? Even if the devs created ship parts and you created your ship, it would take too much time and as we all know, time is money, especially in F2P games such as this one. I am all up for ship differences, letting players paint them how they want, but more than that is just too much to ask. Even all that I already mentioned above in this Topic is too much xD

-I believe there should be more than just 3 types of weapons. Plasma, Chain and Laser is not enough, even with the modules to modify them. Why donā€™t you get some inspiration from sci fi movies and games, such as Star Wars, Mass Effect, Battlestar Galactica, etcā€¦? Iā€™m sure you would enrich the game a lot more doing that. I do not mean stealing their ideas, I mean getting new ideas from the ideas of well successful ideas. I said ā€œideasā€ too many times didnā€™t I? xD

Well, I canā€™t really recall any other things to adress other than the subscription system. I know this game will be F2P. But will it be Pay 2 Win? If this game were to take a turn to that dark path, it would be a BIG letdownā€¦ I know the point of making a game is to get profit from it. There are salaries to pay and so many things to make use of it but do not go to extreme situations where the best ship in the game costs real money and that would be the only way to obtain it. I know many great games that went down that path and arenā€™t making it as well as it should.

Overall, with what I have seen and read, this is gonna be the best space combat MMO in the market. The game is still in development and it will always be, so please, do NOT screw it up on itā€™s early stage :wink:

I have spent 1:30 hours writing this down, and Iā€™m sick, so this is how much I care for this game ^^

I have already posted on the normal forums under suggestions but no Dev has commented yet so iā€™ll post it here as well :slight_smile:

-Open world is a nice idea which was mentioned many times, but at the moment the priority is on PvP. But in the future everything is possible.

-The looting system would be something for an open world, but in the PvP matching you get enough money to buy everything.

-About tournaments there are not many details, but perhaps there could be 1vs1 tournaments for the hardcore players and also clan and 8vs8 battles for example.

-Since Clans arent added at the moment we need some patience, but when they are implemented we will see which thinks can be added;)

-I think crafting would be a good idea for an open world, but at the moment there isnt enough free room for it.

-Ship paintings are already mentioned on some posts and they would help players a lot.

-For new weapons there arent any information at the moment, since the beta just started we first need to make a good balance before adding new weapons.

It is always nice to get feedback from the players so keep on testing and posting.

As you are focusing on PvP for now and are not really interested in making an Open World right now because you want to polish PvP a bit more, Iā€™ll do you a favour. Iā€™ll keep giving you ideas for the game in the Open World form and if you like them, good, if you donā€™t then no harm done, I did it for fun :slight_smile: even though iā€™ve spent entire days writing this and searching for real scientific data :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™ve seen the entire gameā€™s Storyline in the website and I assume the game starts right where that text ends, with the discovery of an ancient civilization: the Precursors. The human race is in disarray while these aliens emmerge, supposedly as an enemy.

See if these ideas interest you and if it does let me know and Iā€™ll write some more.



and Warp Drives


The first thing to do here is to locate ourselves in the world, where are the different sectors, and I think Sectors should include different star systems. For example, the Sol system is located in [insert name of sector here] Sector. Attributing numbers to a system will make it difficult for players to find it on the map and giving it a name will make it easier and add some more roleplaying elements to the game.

So what I need to know now is: What part of space is known?

Sector of Bartle and Sector 1337 are already known on the storyline.

To make the names more similar, I propose having all sectors with only 2 or 3 names like this:

Sector Bartle, Sector 1337, Sector Gamma, Sector Alpha, Sector Octo, Sector Generalā€™s Demise, Sector Invictus, Sector Jerichoā€™s Shame, Sector Gallium, Sector Boron, Sector Magnate, Sector Corvus, Sector Corax, Sector Sphinxā€™s Eyeā€¦

But what would really be great is having sectors without the name ā€œsectorā€. Just the name, because when you see those names you would have to be in the Galaxy map.

For example: Helix Nebula, Crab Nebulaā€¦

And even special places in the universe like dwarf stars, binary star systems ( two stars orbiting each other around their common center of mass) and black holes (if the ship has some UBERWTFHYPER technology to be able to stay close to it and not be sucked into it). For example: Alpha Centauri (binary star system and largest star of the Centauri Constelation), Sagittarius A* ( which is a black hole in the Milky Way), Large Magellanic Cloud ( reference to Halo, where the Flood came from in cargo ships)ā€¦

Each Sector would have different areas to explore, objects to be scanned, etcā€¦

We could even include a kind of dictionary to the game. Obviously we would not call it Dictionary but we could come up with a good name like [something]net (example: Extranet, Solnet, Faranet or something like this) and it would have been created in the 31st Century, when the Direktorium turned into a new world government and a new means of connection had to be created so it ensured connectivity across the solar systemā€™s planets.

We could add some scientific data, for example, when we found a star, we could scan it for its class, composition, core temperature, age, etcā€¦

Nerds would be all over this, trust me xD

Assuming the known space is a little part of the Milky Way, here are some parts we could explore:

The Milky Way has 7-8 arms (3-kpc, Perseus, Norma, Outer, Scutum-Centaurus, Carina-Sagittarius, Orion-Cygnus Arms [and another ā€œsmallā€ one])

The Orion Arm (or Orion-Cygnus Arm) of the Milky Way should be the first to be included. Here are some, not all, objects that can be explored/scanned by the players:

-Sol : Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto , Sun, Asteroid Belt , Kuiper Belt.

-Alpha Centaury - Proxima Centauri, Alpha Centauri A and B [binary system]

-Sirius [or Alpha Canis Majoris] : Sirius A and B [binary system]

-Epsilon Eridani : with 2 proposed planets

-Procyon [or Alpha Canis Minoris] : Procyon A and B [another binary system]

-Epsilon Indi : K-type star orbited by 2 brown dwarfs [pretty cool huh?]

-GJ 1245 : [Triple Star system]

-GJ 876 : Red dwarf star with 4 orbiting planets

-GJ 832 : red dwarf orbited by a jupiter-like planet

Now some Messier objects in Orion Arm [just the pretty ones]:

-Dumbbell Nebula (M27) [green and red]

-Orion Nebula (M42) [huge pink, brown, white, a bit of blue and red]

-De Mairanā€™s Nebula (M43) [mostly brown and blue]

-The Pleiades or Seven Sisters: extremely bright blue stars with a faint dusty aura that reflects that blue light

-Ring Nebula (M57) [Very bright red/orange circle, getting bluer towards the center]

-Little Dumbbell Nebula (M76) [pinkish red and some blue around it]

-Diffuse Nebula (M78) [beautiful blue with brown dust around it]

-Owl Nebula (M97) [very regular blue circle of gas]

All these locations are only on one of the arms of the Milky Way, and there are many more in there!


Assuming the space ships have Warp Drives, it is possible for the different ships to cross interplanetary space. But how is the visual aspect of a location?

If you have played Sins of a Solar Empire, it is easy for you to understand my idea.

A player ship, equipped with a specific Warp Drive, has the ability to travel X light years, and the time would deppend on the velocity of the Warp Drive. Having that said, here is a ship equipment that could be introduced early on.

The Warp Drive has 2 different attributes. Travel Distance and Speed.

When I say Warp Drive, I donā€™t mean the current special ability of the Interceptors. Maybe that special ability could be fitted in all the ships, and the Interceptor would be given a new one.

Each location has a gravitational ring [as in Sins of a Solar Empire], and you can use the Warp Drive near the circunference of that ring, making escaping from the starā€™s strong gravitational field impossible and thus making it impossible to escape from enemies when you go further into the gravitational ring.

All space objects have different gravity and therefore the gravitational rings have the different gravitational rings, making players go further out to be able to warp.

In nebulae, for example, there is no gravity center and in those situations, warping is permitted everywhere on that gravitational ring.

Warping will have a cooldown before a player can use it again. It is either according to how much the player traveled, or according to the Warp Driveā€™s Attributes, introducing a 3rd attribute.


Traveling at subluminal speeds will enable the player to do whatever he/she wants, being the standard speed type in the game.

Different subluminal speeds according to shipā€™s mass is already implemented and I think it works great, but as I do not have a degree on programming or anything else, I canā€™t say itā€™s perfect but from my experience I see no problems to it.


Going back to the gameā€™s Loreā€¦

The Empireā€™s ā€œHeadquartersā€ is Earth. So there is not much to say about this. The International Space Station would have evolved into a massive structure. Or even a massive base attatched to the planet itself with a tractor beam or an elevator.

The Free Worlds Federationā€™s ā€œHQā€ is where? This I do not know yet and I wanted to to keep writing some more about this :slight_smile:

Jerichoā€™s has no fixed headquarters from what Iā€™ve seen, as they reside in the massive ships made out of the old prison ships made by the Direktorium.

This is a very important fact because Jericho players would have their homebase circulating between different sectors. Or, the base could remain on the same Sector but orbiting a beautiful big red star [this would also be cool, remember the Illusive Manā€™s Base in Mass Effect?]


In the context of sector capturing, these 3 sectors would be uncapturable to ensure the faction would not be completely destroyed.

But this cannot happen for no reason. There must be something that prevents the capture from the other factions.

I still donā€™t know what but when I know, Iā€™ll tell you.


Also, in sector capturing, I believe that the station sieges should not be scheduled. This should be dynamic. For example, a clan has enough members online to capture an opponentā€™s sector. They gather up and warp into the sector they wish to capture. This is the new era of gaming, and all players want new features, or current ones that make sense and are actually lore friendly. Imagine, in real life, if the USA wants to invade Iraq they dont call them and ask them if they are free on that day ^^


Do it like Planetside 2 allows the players to capture territories: Planetside 2 Territory Conquering

From 1:00>

Dividing a continent in Hexes is easy. Dividing Space in Hexes just as easy. In the map, each sector is an hex. But when a player enters a sector, what he sees is a circle, the Gravitational Ring.

This means itā€™s only an hex, in the map where all the sectors are displayed. In reality, it is a circle and it is many light years from all the other sectors.



Hereā€™s a picture explaining:


Please, give me your opinions about this, I really need it :slight_smile:

Here is how the Galaxy map (milky way only for now) should be like: 813px-Galactic_longitude.JPG

I also had another idea.

Achievements with a ā€œphysicalā€ wall where you can see the medals you earned and other players could also see them.

Remember Black Prophecy?

ā€œMedals are milestones awarded to the player for completing a goal of a certain number of a certain feat. The medals are tiered into a I, II, and III, each with increasing demand than the last. Feats include killing enemies of a certain factionā€

Medals were displayed in a wall for you to see them and also other players.

There should also be a lot more information on your ships like:

-Shield Regeneration rate

-Energy Regeneration rate

-Hull Regeneration rate

Allowing players naming their ships would be cool.

Instead of having a GJF-7 ā€œDwarf 2ā€, we could have ships like this GJF-7 ā€œ[insert name here]ā€. Just to add a bit more freedom and depth to the game.

Iā€™ll start a new Topic because this one is getting too long xD

Can you guys give me some more of your oppinions on this? :slight_smile:

The Battle button is VERY usefull for players that donā€™t have alot of time on their hands. They can play 2-3 games without having to remember this and that and where to go and how to get there and getting there and not finding enything etc etc. Itā€™s nice, fast and relaxing, that Battle button, for the people that come tired from work and want to do a quick game without thinking too much. The open world can work i guess, but DONā€™T remove the battle button :). I love 4X space games, i kinda like simulators, and i DONā€™T like EVE, itā€™s way too complicated, too much information, huge learning curve, takes months before you can do anything, even if people say ā€œget your xxxx in a frigate and do some fun piracyā€. Itā€™s not that easy.

If youā€™ve got alot of time on your hands for exploring and looking for things with the risk of not finding anything actually interesting yes, play EVE. If you want a quick space battle with a nice evolution system for your ships and some nice physics gameplay, Star Conflict in itā€™s actual form is the thing.

Donā€™t take this the wrong way, i hate the tendency of developers to simplify gameplay in the last decade or so, to get the bucks from the casual gamers, but this game fills the niche for space quickplay, EVE fills the ā€œletā€™s spend alot of time travelling and not doing much of anything else, but otherwise big world with interesting stuff going onā€ niche

I Like your idea very much. You already put a lots of time to polish this. Iā€™m a big fun of sandbox games and also Iā€™m a sci-fi addict, that is why i playing EVE since 2008, but iā€™m not entirely sure that Star Conflict would be a good open world game. As dre3ilz said, lots of people just want to get online and have some fun, like in WoT, where you just select your tank, than join the queue. Maybe EVE isnā€™t a good example here, i think a system like in BSG Online would be much better ow maybe Star Trek Online. These games have instances (I have no idea that this a correct word) with a static world. Static open worlds are not fun for me. Also BSGO and STO has itā€™s own universe and those universes have a lots of fans long before either of the games came out. This is only matters when you participate/live in that universe, if you just login to play 2-3 random matches, the lore, the background story is not importantā€¦ most people not even read it.

Another thing is what can be done in the game engine. Maybe making a persistant world canā€™t be done without major overhaul and those things need to be done before beta testing. Usually beta testing is for mostly to test stability and balance, but what you describied maybe requires a total rollback of the game engine. Who knows, maybe with time theyā€™ll able to add this kind of thing, but iā€™m sure, the game will be released with the current features mostly.

Also, about new weaponsā€¦ you came up with Star Wars, BSG and Mass Effectā€¦ but in those Movies/games/universe, theyā€™re using lasers and railguns :slight_smile:

Actually itā€™s not important how you call a weapon, itā€™s mechanic what makes it interesting. You can make a laser, with 1000 damage but with 12 shot/min, than call it a Particle Beam Cannon, but itā€™s just the same laser with different stats. Right now the 4 types of weapon systems (LASER, Plasma, Railgun, Missile) is enough. What i want to see is some specialised shipsā€¦ letā€™s say Missile Frigates, with big missile banks and a Missile Barrage ability, which make reloading faster by diverting energy from cannons, or Attack Ships with MIRV style missiles, where the ship is firing a normal missile but it will seperates to 3-5 smaller rockets with lower damage, but in this way they can bypass the target Anti-missile system. Antoher one way would be a remote detonated cluster missile, first you fire the missile, and when you press the launch button again, te missile will launch dozens of small bomblets all around in a small area. I have plenty other ideas just for the missiles and iā€™m sure, the devs are also have some ideas too. :slight_smile:

Spent about 1 hour writting this O.o

I think Iā€™ll post here what I think of this overhaul idea. I really donā€™t know if developers have resources to do a EVE-like sandbox game and I donā€™t know if it would work in Black Prophecy -instance style so I agree with Wasp in this.

I mostly like this sectors/star systems idea. Iā€™m going to tell my own view of this and because Iā€™m quite new in this beta correct me if Iā€™m wrong.

Say, SC has three factions that are wage war against each other (?). Factions have own parts of the star systems/sectors (frontlines/contested territories, strategical locations, secured homeworlds). To keep things simple for casual players the hangar view could show us a strategic map where ā€œbattlesā€ are going (random matches could be in those spots), it could also be feasible to organize special events around ā€œchangesā€ in strategic map. It could also offer a special game PvE (or PvP) modes like ā€œdefending single outpostā€ against AI (or human) raiding groups. Protecting trade fleets against pirates/enemy faction and so on. Also new features in game like new ships, models, guns etc could be a logical part of a factions ā€œwar-time developmentā€.

Clans (or say, biggest ones), on the other hand, could have more special view on strategic map and have an effect to war actions (where to, how many, when etc).

Battling like this in changing strategy map could bring similar style like made in Warhammer mmorpg where player were even available to siege the capital of enemy faction and gain bonuses to own faction by succeeding.

Ideas/problems. Will the clan map is similar like in WoT, totally separated from random matches? I would like to see random players as ā€œmerceneriesā€ and have an affect to the game world where big clans fight, i.e have some extra meaning (rather than just credits and exp) in playing. Secondly if player joins for example empire faction, will he be available to play with his friend whoā€™s in Jericho faction? Thirdly, dominating clans could cause balance problems.

But like mentioned, Iā€™m not too familiar with the plans concering SCā€™s future. Just my 2 cents.

Well, this game is instanced PvP and it wonā€™t change. Why I know that? Cause as well as you Iā€™m playing a Beta, not a engine demo or a pre-alpha. What youā€™re asking in this thread is just other game.

Although devs may be thinking in adding some kind of ā€œoverworldā€ in the game, but I donā€™t think that actually weā€™re gonna see that.

The only real possibility, if this game has success, is that in the future they could make another game based in this oneā€™s world, more like Eve Online but sharing the action from Star Conflict, maybe connected to Star Conflict somehow.

But since this one is still in beta, well, I think that asking for another game is a little bit premature.