game needs better Balance

Ok so i got into the beta around late april time , and since then the game took up most of my time :smiley: and played it for around 5 days mabye a weekand as soon as i hit lvl 3 i found it very hard to even make a inpact in the match getting sniped from a far or sniped with missles then by the time it came to me buying a tier 2 ship i bough a interceptor but now it seems almost impossible to win a game my team either has all tier1 ships and or only 2 tier1 ships and or very rarly 2 mabye 3 tier2 ships , and the enemy team has like , 3 tier2 ships or even , 2 tier3 ships or , 3 tier3 ships i have since then stopped playing it along with some of my mates due to poor balancing even as working as a team [thats if we get on the same team] its just unfair to most and dont even get me started on the bots there just usless in some ways i cant really tell if there needing buffed or de-buffed becasue they act very strange either being great in one match and poor in the next

This issue is already known and we hope that it will be improved soon.

This issue is already known and we hope that it will be improved soon.

ok thx for the update :01212:

Closed Beta = Low playerbase

The quality of the matchmaking system is directly linked to the amount of available players, so:

Low playerbase = horrible matchmaking!

I don’t think think that this issues is caused only by low ammount of players and matchmaking. I think that tiers are not in balance. What i mean is that higher tier ships are way better than lower tier. Compare this to World of Tanks, where one or two tiers lower tanks can do something to top tier tank.

I have to admit that i have stopped playing as player ammount has decreased and you always are going against one tier higher enemies. You have to have masochistic tendencies if you want to play this game against one tier higher enemies.

What’s with all these attempts to compare this game with WoT ?

The difference aint all that big actually.

Yes, T2 is better than T1, this doesn’t mean T1 cant kill T2, only more difficult and that’s the way it should be.

I’ve killed a lot of T2 interceptors and frigs in my T1 Fighter.


What’s with all these attempts to compare this game with WoT ?

The difference aint all that big actually.

Yes, T2 is better than T1, this doesn’t mean T1 cant kill T2, only more difficult and that’s the way it should be.

I’ve killed a lot of T2 interceptors and frigs in my T1 Fighter.

thats not the point it dose not matter what tier of ship ur in its just more of a fact that higher tier ships have more shields armor and better weapons its just how they use them its a unfair advantage to most and i know plenty of other games that had well better matchmaking that this so dont say its casue the player base is low if it was low they would have mostly bots in game but thats not the case infact sometimes my teams gets 1-2 more bots that the other team and they have 1-2 more players that have more tier ships

lol Dibbz welcome to what i was talking about ahahaha this is funny…i havent played for weeks…(maybe less time has passed but it does feel like weeks…)

Hi all

Remember this is testing not the full game and you should remember that you are a tester. Things at this time are and will be a little unbalanced.

Keep in mind most of the testers are on in what would be morning here in the USA. More testers will be coming later as testing moves on.

I know it gets to you with things being unbalanced and other things also, but that is part of testing.

So keep up the good work and keep finding things that may be wrong for the Devs.

Thanks again for your hard work with the testing.

Hi all

Remember this is testing not the full game and you should remember that you are a tester. Things at this time are and will be a little unbalanced.

Keep in mind most of the testers are on in what would be morning here in the USA. More testers will be coming later as testing moves on.

I know it gets to you with things being unbalanced and other things also, but that is part of testing.

So keep up the good work and keep finding things that may be wrong for the Devs.

Thanks again for your hard work with the testing.

that may be true but im in alot more other CBT and there matchmaking system is ok i suppose but better than this im not saying SC is a bad game in anways it has amazing potential to become a great gamebut matchmaking the now sucks more than any other PvP CBT game

Matchmaking can only pull ppl in queue. If there are at least 2 or 3 others in the same class of equipment you will get them but i also had games 1v1 t3 vs t4. Especially if they time out queue theyll get any sort of opponent as closest as you are. Lack of players in queue = unbalanced games. If they are 20 or even more players in, the games i had were very well balanced and it was always a hard battle till the end.

Matchmaking trys to get the best combination but if there is no one in your class it will spread the search for players untill there are some available. Play a game or there will no match at all.

Matchmaking can only pull ppl in queue. If there are at least 2 or 3 others in the same class of equipment you will get them but i also had games 1v1 t3 vs t4. Especially if they time out queue theyll get any sort of opponent as closest as you are.

explain how i got T1 vs T4 on 1 VS 1 + bots?

explain how i got T1 vs T4 on 1 VS 1 + bots?

Cant belive this happend. Got a screenshot form it? ^^

Nvm. Queue time out seems to be a problem if something like this happens. And in this case i agree that improvements must be done.

Btw. It would be interresting to have screenshots form imbalanced teamsetups.

The way i view against this: the tiers are ok :slight_smile:

But… when it comes to matchmaking there need to be some improvemtens.

the amound of right tier players is good -> there are for example 4 tier 2 and 6 tier 1 players in one game.

But the bad thing is that 3 out of the 4 tier 2 player are in 1 team and 4 tier 1 player are whit that team.

So the battle you get is 3 tier 2 + 2 tier 1 VS 1 tier 2 + 4 tier 1. This is unfair and everyone know stat.

An other thing i see is that player dont collaborate whit each other. but this is not relevand for the game digners.

  • lubo -

low tiers cant really test things out other than how much explosions their ship makes

Low tiers have a chance. If you got used to the controls it isnt hard to survive.

this is so funny…im not going to even bother anymore zzz

Patience is the key.

what’s worse is when there is hardly anyone on, you’re stuck in a room where you mostly have tier II/III’s, then on the opposing side has a guy with one tier III and two tier IV ships… and surprise… he has 20 kills and basically one-man-show the entire match… it couldn’t find any matches that was closer to tier II/III when there were 5 or 6 people waiting for battle?

If you got used to the controls it isnt hard to survive.

Yeah, surviving isn’t hard, just drive to the edge of the map and sit tight.

At least you can’t do any worse than actually trying to fight, T1 weapons just won’t do any damage against T3 and T4.